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Last modified
8/22/2023 10:56:24 AM
Creation date
8/22/2023 10:36:57 AM
Approving a Time Extension of an Approved Site Development Permit and Conditional Use Permit for a New Recreational Facility (Gym) at 13891 Ciceroni Lane (Lands of Campo Vista Lane LLC)
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EXHIBIT A <br />FINDINGS <br />13891 Ciceroni Lane — File # CUP21-0001 and SD20-0086 <br />With regard to the Conditional Use Permit (CUP21-0001) to allow for a new recreational <br />facility at 13891 Ciceroni Lane, the Planning Commission finds in accordance with Section <br />10-1.1007(1) of the Los Altos Hills Municipal Code as follows: <br />a. The proposed use or facility is properly located in relation to the community as a whole, <br />land uses, and transportation and service facilities in the vicinity. <br />The proposed facility is surrounded by residential land uses. As conditioned, the structure <br />will be reserved for private use only, effectively making it an enclosed sports court. Given <br />the limitations on use, it is appropriate to consider the structure an accessory residential <br />use, albeit a large one. The proposed facility is located on a property at the end of a cul-de- <br />sac with two neighboring properties and three properties across the Fremont Road right- <br />of-way. The structure is proposed with a 48 -foot setback from the Ciceroni Lane right-of- <br />way, which places it over 160 feet from Fremont Road, a main arterial into the Town. As <br />the property is at a higher elevation than surrounding properties and the structure being <br />located 48 feet from the Ciceroni Lane, it will be visible to several neighboring properties; <br />however, the structure is designed to appear single -story from Ciceroni Lane. This location <br />off a Ciceroni Lane, which serves only five other properties will not impact transportation <br />or service facilities, especially as conditioned. <br />b. The site for the proposed use is adequate in size and shape to accommodate the proposed <br />use and all yards, open spaces, walls and fences, parking, loading, landscaping, and such <br />other features as may be required by this chapter or, will be needed to assure that the <br />proposed use will be reasonably compatible with land uses normally permitted in the <br />surrounding area. <br />The large size of the property and moderate slopes within the building envelope result in a <br />site with ample room to accommodate the structure and comply with all requirements of <br />the Zoning Code. The required setbacks to the structure provide adequate room for <br />reasonable landscape screening to ensure that the proposed use will be compatible with the <br />surrounding land uses. <br />c. The site for the proposed use will be served by streets and highways or adequate width and <br />pavement to carry the quantity and kind of traffic generated by the proposed use. <br />The property is currently served by a street of adequate width for the existing land uses on <br />the subject property and neighboring properties. The proposed use will be restricted to <br />private, residential use and, therefore, will not generate a significant increase in traffic as <br />there is currently a single-family residence on the property. <br />Resolution 72-23 Page 3 <br />
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