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RESOLUTION 69-23 <br />A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE <br />TOWN OF LOS ALTOS HILLS AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO <br />EXECUTE THE FIRST AMENDMENT TO THE SANTA CLARA COUNTY <br />RECYCLING AND WASTE REDUCTION TECHNICAL ADVISORY <br />COMMITTEE AGREEMENT <br />WHEREAS, in 1992 the Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors established the Solid <br />Waste Commission of Santa Clara County to advise city councils and the Board of <br />Supervisors on countywide solid waste and recycling issues, and in 2001 revised the name <br />of the Commission to the "Recycling and Waste Reduction Commission of Santa Clara <br />County" (Commission); and <br />WHEREAS, the bylaws of the Commission included establishment of the Recycling and <br />Waste Reduction Technical Advisory Committee to provide technical advice to the <br />Commission on solid waste management and policy, to bring together a wide spectrum of <br />viewpoints and expertise on County -wide solid waste and recycling issues affecting <br />individual jurisdictions and to assist in development of policies and programs as well as <br />revisions to the County Solid Waste Management Plan/County Integrated Waste <br />Management Plan; and <br />WHEREAS, On June 4, 2013, the Agreement Creating the Santa Clara County Recycling <br />and Waste Reduction Technical Advisory Committee (Agreement), was executed; and <br />WHEREAS, the Agreement established and replaced the Recycling and Waste Reduction <br />Technical Advisory Committee with the Santa Clara Recycling and Waste Reduction <br />Technical Advisory Committee (TAC); and <br />WHEREAS, The Agreement outlined the purposes of the TAC to, among other things, <br />provide technical advice on solid waste management, bring together a wide spectrum of <br />viewpoints and expertise on countywide solid waste and recycling issues, and to assist in <br />the development of policies for countywide plans. <br />WHEREAS, the Town now desires to approve the First Amendment to the Agreement <br />Creating the Santa Clara County Recycling and Waste Reduction Technical Advisory <br />Committee (Amendment), to remove any indication that participation in TAC meetings <br />virtually through teleconference technology is prohibited or strongly discouraged and allow <br />members to participate in TAC meetings by utilizing teleconference technology, pursuant <br />to the teleconferencing provisions in the Ralph M. Brown Act; and <br />WHEREAS, in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the <br />approval of the Amendment, like the Agreement, is categorically exempt pursuant to CEQA <br />Guideline section 15378. <br />Resolution 69-23 Page 1 <br />