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RESOLUTION 77-23 <br />A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE <br />TOWN OF LOS ALTOS HILLS UPDATING THE FY 2023-24 PLANNING, BUILDING, <br />AND ENGINEERING FEE SCHEDULES TO ADD AND UPDATE DEPOSIT <br />AMOUNTS RELATED TO: NPDES PERMIT C.3 REVIEW AND INSPECTION; <br />SEWER CAPACITYAMPACT/RATE ANALYSIS; SIGHT DISTANCE AND TRAFFIC <br />STUDY PEER REVIEW; TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN REVIEW, MISCELLANEOUS <br />ENGINEERING STAFF REVIEW, AND PEER REVIEW; AND TOWN ATTORNEY <br />LAND USE REVIEW, AND DETERMINATION THAT THE PROPOSED <br />AMENDMENTS ARE NOT SUBJECT TO THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL <br />QUALITY ACT <br />WHEREAS, the Town of Los Altos Hills has established certain fees and charges for Town <br />services, including those that apply to the filing, accepting, reviewing, approving, or issuing of an <br />application, permit, subdivision maps, or entitlement; and <br />WHEREAS, these fees and charges are collected to recover the Town's reasonable cost of <br />providing the service or of performing the functions or regulatory activity for which the fees are <br />charged, as applicable, and which are not levied for general revenue purposes, for the purposes of <br />defraying impacts from developments on public facilities, and are not special taxes as defined in <br />Article 3.5 of the California Government Code; and <br />WHEREAS, consistent with California Government Code sections 66016, 66017, and related <br />applicable statutes, the fees and charges, as well as deposits, are for actual cost recover and does <br />not exceed the amount reasonably required to administer the processing of such application, permit <br />or entitlement and the estimated reasonable cost of the Town providing services for such purposes; <br />and <br />WHEREAS, on August 17, 2023, the City Council held a duly noticed public hearing in <br />compliance with California Government Code sections 6062a, 66016, 66017 and 66018, at which <br />public testimony and written testimony was received, to consider adopting the FY 2023-24 Fee <br />Schedule Updates for Site Development Charges; and <br />WHEREAS, this action is exempt from environmental review pursuant to Section 15273 of the <br />California Environmental Quality Act as it does not qualify as a "Project" as defined in CEQA <br />Guidelines section 15378(b)"; and <br />WHEREAS, the City Council desires to implement the updated FY2023-24 Fee Schedule <br />Updates, detailed in "Exhibit A," which will become effective on October 21, 2023, consistent <br />with Californian Government Code Section 66017. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the Town of Los Altos Hills <br />hereby finds the foregoing recitals are true and correct and incorporated herein, and adopts the FY <br />2023-24 Fee Schedule Updates for Site Development Charges as set forth in "Exhibit A" to this <br />Resolution and determine that the amendments are not subject to the California Environmental <br />Quality Act. Development fees contained herein shall become effective no sooner than 60 days <br />following final passage and adoption of this Resolution and shall remain in effect until a new <br />Resolution amending the same is adopted by the City Council. <br />Resolution 77-23 Page 1 <br />