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EXHIBIT B <br />CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL <br />Lands of Merkley — 25851 Estacada Drive — File# SD22-0066 & CDP23-0002 & VAR23-0001 <br />PLANNING DEPARTMENT <br />No other modifications to the approved plans, are allowed except as otherwise first reviewed <br />and approved by the Planning Director or the Planning Commission, depending on the scope <br />of the changes. <br />2. All conditions of approval shall be printed on plans submitted for building permit plan check. <br />The project is subject to the Town's Construction Time Limit Ordinance (Chapter 10, Title <br />VIII of the Municipal Code). The maximum time for completion of the project shall be 24 <br />months from the date of Building Permit issuance. Failure to complete the project in the <br />allotted time may result in substantial penalties and fees. <br />4. The structure shall be no taller than what is shown on the plans dated July 7, 2023 <br />except the garage which shall not exceed 19'-0" tall. Garage height shall be revised prior <br />to submitting plans for building plan check. <br />5. Exterior finish colors of all buildings shall have a light reflectivity value of 50 or less and roof <br />materials shall have a light reflectivity value of 40 or less, per manufacturer specifications. All <br />color samples shall be submitted to the Planning Department for approval at time of submittal <br />for building plan check. All applicable structures shall be painted in conformance with the <br />approved color(s) prior to final inspection. <br />6. Roof eaves of all structures shall not encroach into the required side and rear yard setbacks. <br />The roof eaves shall be shown on the site and civil plans in the construction drawings. <br />7. No new fencing is approved with this site development permit. Any additional or modified <br />fencing or gates shall require review and approval by the Planning Department with the <br />required landscape screening plan and prior to installation. <br />8. All exterior lighting fixtures shall be down directed or shielded non-movable fixtures and <br />shall not exceed 3,000 Kelvins and 600 lumens. Exterior lighting on the residence is <br />approved as shown on the plans. Landscape lighting is not approved at this time and shall be <br />submitted with the required landscape screening plan. Any changes to the approved lighting <br />plan shall be approved by the Planning Department prior to installation. No lighting may be <br />placed within setbacks except two driveway or entry lights. <br />9. Skylights, if utilized, shall be designed and constructed to reduce emitted light (tinted or <br />colored glass, or other material). No lighting may be placed within skylight wells. <br />10. Fire retardant roofing (Class A) is required for all new construction. <br />Resolution 78-23 Page 6 <br />