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RESOLUTION 71-23 <br />RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF LOS ALTOS HILLS <br />ACCEPTING A GRANT OF PATHWAY EASEMENT SEGMENTS <br />(LANDS OF VISTA GRANDE LLC) <br />WHEREAS, the Vista Grande LLC ("Owner") owns the property commonly known as 13781 <br />Ciceroni Lane, Los Altos Hills, California (APN 175-23-032); and <br />WHEREAS, the Town has adopted a General Plan and Master Path Plan and, pursuant thereto, may <br />accept grants of pathway easements on privately owned lands lying within the Town; and <br />WHEREAS, the Owner has offered to grant a pathway easement attached to this Resolution as <br />Attachment A ("Grant of Pathway Easement to the Town of Los Altos Hills") to allow for the <br />installation and maintenance of a future roadside path; and <br />WHEREAS, the Town finds the Grant of Pathway Easement to be consistent with the Town's <br />General Plan Pathways Element and in the best interests of the Town; and <br />WHEREAS, the Owner and the Town recognize that the land subject to the Grant of Pathway <br />Easement is essentially unimproved and is wide enough to accommodate an unobstructed pathway <br />which is an asset to the Town and the surrounding area; and <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED the City Council of the Town of Los Altos Hills does <br />hereby accepts on behalf of the public, and for the purposes therein described, the Grant of Pathway <br />Easement attached to this Resolution as Attachment A. <br />The above and foregoing Resolution passed and adopted by the City Council of the Town of Los <br />Altos Hills at a regular meeting held on the 17th day of August, 2023, by the following vote: <br />AYES: Swan, Mok, Schmidt, Tankha, Tyson <br />NOES: None <br />ABSENT: None <br />ABSTAIN: None <br />ATTEST: <br />Deborah L. Pad—Mn, City Clerk <br />B Y: 2�-- ��� Xl- <br />Resolution 71-23 <br />Linda Swan, Mayor <br />Page 1 <br />