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EXHIBIT A <br />CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL <br />Lands of Ng —10701 Magdalena Road — File# SD22-0042 <br />PLANNING DEPARTMENT <br />1. No other modifications to the approved plans submitted on December 21, 2022, are allowed <br />except as otherwise first reviewed and approved by the Planning Director or the Planning <br />Commission, depending on the scope of the changes. <br />2. All conditions of approval shall be printed on plans submitted for building permit plan check. <br />3. The project is subject to the Town's Construction Time Limit Ordinance (Chapter 10, Title <br />VIII of the Municipal Code). The maximum time for completion of the project shall be 24 <br />months from the date of Building Permit issuance. Failure to complete the project in the <br />allotted time may result in substantial penalties and fees. <br />4. Applicant shall be responsible at its sole costs and expense for providing the access <br />improvement required by the Santa Clara County Fire Department within the 30 -foot - <br />wide existing easement and not encroach onto neighboring private properties. The <br />applicant shall coordinate with the neighboring property owners for the improvement <br />with respect to construction hours, traffic, and confirming property boundaries. <br />5. The property owner shall grant an Open Space Easement to the Town that encompasses <br />those portions of the property with slope greater than 30 percent, as identified on Sheet <br />A1.Oa of the approved plan submitted on May 19, 2023. Native vegetation may be <br />planted within the easement and irrigation or sprinkler systems are only permitted to <br />establish the native vegetation. The property owner shall provide legal description and <br />plat exhibit(s) prepared by a licensed land surveyor and the Town shall prepare the <br />grant document. The grant document shall be signed and notarized by the property <br />owner and returned to the Town prior to building permit issuance. <br />6. Prior to requesting the final inspection, the property owner shall prune the grove of oak <br />trees on the subject property, adjacent to 10791 Magdalena Road, under the <br />supervision of a certified arborist. The arborist shall certify in writing that the pruning <br />was performed under their supervision. The applicant shall submit the signed letter(s) <br />to the Planning Department prior to requesting a final inspection. The intent of this <br />condition is to limit view obstruction per LAHMC Title 5, Chapter 8. Ongoing <br />maintenance shall follow the standard procedures in LAHMC Title 5, Chapter 8. <br />7. Exterior finish colors of all buildings shall have a light reflectivity value of 50 or less and roof <br />materials shall have a light reflectivity value of 40 or less, per manufacturer specifications. All <br />color samples shall be submitted to the Planning Department for approval at time of submittal <br />for building plan check. All applicable structures shall be painted in conformance with the <br />approved color(s) prior to final inspection. <br />Resolution PC 04-23 Page 3 <br />