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PC 04-23
Planning Commission
Planning Commission Resolutions
PC 04-23
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Last modified
9/13/2023 3:34:35 PM
Creation date
9/13/2023 3:34:11 PM
Making a Categorical Exemption Determination Under CEQA and Approving a Site Development Permit for a New Single-Family Residence, Spa, and Associated Improvement at 10701 Magdalena Road ad Imposing Certain Conditions of Approval
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16. Prior to beginning any grading operation, all significant trees, particularly any heritage oak <br />trees, are to be fenced at the drip line. The fencing shall be of a material and structure (chain- <br />link) to clearly delineate the drip line. Town staff must inspect the fencing and the trees to <br />be fenced prior to commencement of any grading. The property owner shall call for said <br />inspection at least three days in advance of the inspection. The fencing must remain <br />throughout the course of construction. No storage of equipment, vehicles or debris shall be <br />allowed within the drip lines of these trees. Existing perimeter plantings shall be fenced and <br />retained throughout the entire construction period. <br />17. Prior to requesting the final inspection, a registered civil engineer or licensed land surveyor <br />shall certify in writing and state that "the height of the new residence complies with the <br />proposed 21'-2" maximum structure height, measured as the vertical distance at any point <br />from the bottom of the crawl space or basement ceiling if excavated below natural grade, to <br />the highest part of the structure directly above (including roof materials)." The overall <br />structure height shall be similarly certified in writing and state that "all points of the building <br />(including chimneys and appurtenances) lie within a thirty-five (35') foot horizontal band <br />based, measured from the lowest visible natural or finished grade topographical elevation of <br />the structure along the building line and the highest topographical elevation of the roof of the <br />structure." The applicant shall submit the stamped and signed letter(s) to the Planning <br />Department prior to requesting a final inspection. <br />18. Prior to requesting the final inspection, a registered civil engineer or licensed land surveyor <br />shall certify in writing and state that "the location of the residence and roof eaves, are no less <br />than 40' from the front property line and 30' from the side and rear property lines." The <br />elevation of the new residence shall be similarly certified in writing to state that "the <br />elevation of the new residence matches the elevation and location shown on the Site <br />Development plan." The applicant shall submit the stamped and signed letter(s) to the <br />Planning Department prior to requesting a final inspection. <br />ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT <br />19. Any, and all, changes to the approved Grading and Drainage plan shall first be approved by <br />the Town Engineering Department. No grading shall take place during the grading <br />moratorium (October 1" to April 30t) except with prior approval from the City Engineer. No <br />grading shall take place within ten feet of any property line. <br />20. An encroachment permit shall be obtained from the Public Works Department for all work <br />proposed in the public right-of-way. No work within the public right-of-way shall commence <br />without an encroachment permit. <br />21. All public utility services serving the new residence shall be placed underground. The <br />applicant should contact PG&E immediately after issuance of building permit to start the <br />application process for undergrounding utilities which can take up to 6-8 months. <br />Prior To Building Plan Check <br />Resolution PC 04-23 Page 5 <br />
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