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EXHIBIT A <br />FINDINGS <br />Lands of Merkley — 25851 Estacada Drive — File# SD22-0066 & CDP23-0002 & VAR23-0001 <br />1. With regard to the Conditional Development Permit (CDP23-0003) for a major addition at <br />25851 Estacada Drive, the Planning Commission finds in accordance with Section 10- <br />1.1007(3) of the Los Altos Hills Municipal Code as follows: <br />a) The site for the proposed development is adequate in size, shape and topography to <br />accommodate the proposed intensity of development, including all structures, yards, open <br />spaces, parldng, landscaping, walls and fences, and such other features as may be required <br />by this chapter. <br />The site, with respect to its existing development configuration, is adequate in size, shape <br />and topography to accommodate the proposed development and other features. The <br />existing development currently encroaches into the west and east side yard setbacks by XX <br />feet. No further encroachment is requested along the western property line. The proposed <br />total floor area and development area is over 600 square -feet below the property's MFA <br />and 200 square -feet below the MDA, and therefore the site can adequately accommodate <br />the proposal. Subsequent additions wishing to utilize the remaining MFA and MDA would <br />also require a Conditional Development Permit. <br />b) The size and design of the proposed structures create a proper balance, unity and <br />harmonious appearance in relation to the size, shape and topography and in relation to <br />the surrounding neighborhood. <br />The size and design of the proposed single -story structure is appropriate in size and shape <br />in relation to the surrounding neighborhoods, which are characterized by single -story <br />residences along Estacada Drive and two-story residences on Estacada Way. Additionally, <br />the proposed additions are located in such a configuration that does not change the frontage <br />of the structure; the visual impact to the surrounding neighborhood is generally unchanged <br />apart from the front of the house moving closer to the street and increased height. The <br />eastern neighbor will see additional building frontage and massing but it will not encroach <br />closer to the property line. Compared to the previous proposal, massing has been reduced <br />by approximately 10 inches due to the changes in roof pitch and the retention of hipped <br />roofs on the easterly and westerly ends. <br />c) The rural character of the site has been preserved as much as feasible by minimizing <br />vegetation and tree removal, excessive and unsightly grading and alteration of natural <br />land forms. <br />The Estacada Drive neighborhood and surrounding area is more suburban than other parts <br />of Town due to the smaller lot sizes in the neighborhood and proximity to Palo Alto. The <br />character of the site has been preserved as much as feasible as the existing trees proposed <br />for removal include invasive species or will need to be replaced with other screening trees. <br />As the site is generally flat, no grading is proposed for the proposed addition except for the <br />minimum necessary to accommodate new foundations and pool excavation, the site will be <br />otherwise unaltered. <br />Resolution PC 05-23 Page 2 <br />