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approximately 15 -foot setbacks and were constructed pre -incorporation of the Town. <br />14554 and 14576 De Bell Road have approximately 15 -foot setbacks and were constructed <br />pre -incorporation. 14555 Miranda Road has approximately 10- to 15 -foot setbacks and was <br />constructed pre -incorporation. Additionally, the granting of the Variance would not grant <br />a special privilege to the property owner as there are not many neighborhoods with similar <br />constraints and existing development patterns which this could set a precedence for. <br />3. That the granting of such variance will not be materially detrimental to the public welfare <br />or injurious to the property, improvements or uses within the immediate vicinity and within <br />the same zoning district. <br />The granting of the variance would not be detrimental to the public as the structure would <br />not encroach into the front setback and would not encroach any further to either side. The <br />frontage and visual impact would be similar to predevelopment levels apart from the <br />structure's height. When viewed from the front, the increased height appears less than it <br />actually is due to the primary roof sloping away from the street. The granting of the <br />variance could pose an increased visual impact to the easterly neighbor but no view will be <br />blocked and so it would not be injurious to the property's value. <br />4. That the variance will not authorize a use or activity which is not otherwise expressly <br />authorized by the zoning district regulations governing the parcel or property. <br />The variance would not change the use of the structure. Single-family residences are <br />allowed in the R -A zoning district. <br />Resolution PC 05-23 Page 4 <br />