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PC 05-23
Planning Commission
Planning Commission Resolutions
PC 05-23
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Last modified
9/13/2023 3:36:27 PM
Creation date
9/13/2023 3:36:10 PM
Making a Categorical Exemption Determination Under CEQA and Approving a Conditional Development Permit, Site Development Permit, and Variance for a Major Addition and Remodel at 25851 Estacada Drive
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26. The property owner shall provide the Town with high-quality color photographs of the <br />existing conditions of the roadways and pathways two weeks prior to acceptance of plans <br />for building plan check. <br />27. The property owner shall pay a pathway fee of $3,826 prior to acceptance of plans for <br />building plan check. <br />28. All hydrant use is strictly prohibited by the Purissima Hills Water District. A permit for <br />obtaining water for grading and construction purposes must be obtained from the Purissima <br />Hills Water District and submitted for approval to the Town Engineering Department prior <br />to acceptance of plans for building plan check. The permit will authorize the use of water <br />from specific on-site or off-site water sources. <br />29. Two sets of a final Grading and Drainage plan shall be submitted for review and approval by <br />the Engineering Department. Final drainage and. grading shall be inspected by the <br />Engineering Department and any deficiencies corrected to the satisfaction of the Engineering <br />Department. <br />30. Two copies of an Erosion and Sediment Control plan shall be submitted for review and <br />approval by the Engineering Department. The contractor and the property owner shall <br />comply with all appropriate requirements of the Town's NPDES permit relative to grading <br />and erosion/sediment control. <br />31. The Engineer of Record shall observe the installation of the drainage system, construction of <br />the energy dissipators, and completion of the grading activities and state that items have been <br />installed and constructed per the approved plans. A stamped and signed letter shall be <br />prepared and submitted to the Town prior to final inspection. <br />32. All areas on the site that have the native soil disturbed shall be protected for erosion control <br />during the rainy season and shall be replanted prior to final inspection. <br />33. The property owner shall inform the Town of any damage and shall repair any damage caused <br />by the construction of the project to pathways, private driveways, and public and private <br />roadways prior to final inspection. <br />FIRE DEPARTMENT <br />34. Fire Sprinklers Required: (As Noted on Sheet AO) An automatic residential fire sprinkler <br />system shall be installed in one- and two-family dwellings as follows: 1) In all new one- and <br />two-family dwellings. 2) In existing one- and two-family dwellings where during the process <br />of a remodel and/or addition, the existing roof structure (joists, rafters, etc.) is removed over <br />an area that exceeds 75% of the existing dwelling floor area. For any disagreement on the <br />amount of roof structure being removed, a State of California licensed architect or structural <br />engineer shall be utilized to calculate the percentage of the roof to be replaced. 3) In existing <br />one- and two-family dwellings when additions are made that increase the building area by <br />50% or more. 4) In all attached Accessory Dwelling Units, additions or alterations to an <br />existing one- and two-family dwelling that have an existing fire sprinkler system. 5) In all <br />Resolution PC 05-23 Page 8 <br />
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