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10/3/2023 10:29:58 AM
Creation date
10/3/2023 10:28:02 AM
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Amending Title 9 (Subdivisions and Plan Lines) and Title 10 (Zoning and Site Development) of the Los Altos Hills Municipal Code to Add Article 16 to Chapter 1, and Article 15 to Chapter 1, Respectively, Establishing Regulations for the Subdivision and Development of Qualified Senate Bill 9 Properties
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WHEREAS, specifically, Program B-10 of the Housing Element states the following <br />commitments: (1) Allow SB 9 units constructed on newly created SB 9 parcels to have default floor <br />areas greater than 800 square feet as currently stated in the interim ordinance, and require <br />compliance with the Town's objective design standards which will be prepared as a part of the <br />permanent ordinance; (2) Allow SB 9 units the ability to obtain additional floor areas based on <br />availability of Maximum Floor Area for the parcel and/or adherence to standard setbacks and <br />easement dedication requirements as incentives. Maximum size of SB 9 units constructed on <br />existing parcels will be determined through the Town's Maximum Floor Area/Maximum <br />Development Area formula applicable to single-family residential developments in Town; (3) <br />Remove affordability restriction to promote development of units of all income levels, rather than <br />only affordable units. <br />WHEREAS, as a part of the Town's efforts to adopt a permanent SB 9 Ordinance, the Los Altos <br />Hills Planning Commission formed an ad hoc committee at its October 6, 2022 meeting to <br />undertake initial efforts at formulating relevant regulations. <br />WHEREAS, the ad hoc committee met several times over the course of many months, and the <br />Planning Commission held three (3) duly noticed study sessions on a permanent SB 9 ordinance on <br />December 12, 2022, February 15, 2023, and July 27, 2023, to provide public outreach and <br />participation opportunities and to comprehensively discuss and review drafts of permanent <br />ordinance and pertinent regulations. <br />WHEREAS, on August 3, 2023, the Planning Commission held a duly noticed public hearing to <br />consider a proposed SB 9 permanent ordinance and, inclusive of certain changes proposed by the <br />Commission, adopted a resolution recommending the City Council introduce and adopt said <br />ordinance to replace the interim ordinance. <br />WHEREAS, the proposed permanent SB 9 ordinance is comprised of regulations that are (1) <br />consistent with SB 9 statutes, state housing laws including the Housing Crisis Act and Housing <br />Element Law, and with the Town's 2023-2031 Housing Element inclusive of housing strategies to <br />promote SB 9 development and Program B-1O's commitments; (2) oriented towards achieving the <br />Town's housing goals and implement its housing mobility, fair housing, and other regional housing <br />obligation strategies and goals; and (3) utilize a carefully balanced approach and create objective <br />zoning, design, and subdivision standards to preserve the Town's natural beauty including the hills <br />and views of the Bay, and significant residential communities; address hazards relating to fire, <br />earthquake, geology and other natural conditions unique to the Town; and to provide reasonably <br />regulated and orderly development of single family residential construction and subdivision <br />projects. <br />WHEREAS, SB 9 specifically authorizes cities to impose objective zoning, subdivision, and <br />design standards consistent with state law, and to adopt an ordinance to implement its provisions. <br />SB 9 further provides that such ordinances are not considered a "project" under the California <br />Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). The proposed SB 9 permanent ordinance would amend the <br />Town's Zoning Code (Title 10) and Subdivision Ordinance (Title 9) under the Los Altos Hills <br />Municipal Code to achieve the Town's goals and policies and comply with state law. <br />WHEREAS, on August 17, 2023, the City Council held a duly noticed public hearing to consider <br />the proposed SB 9 permanent ordinance as recommended by the Planning Commission, at which <br />time all interested parties were provided an opportunity to give input and participate in the public <br />process. <br />Ordinance 610 Page 2 <br />
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