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Development Authority may approve development area of up to a total of four thousand five <br />hundred (4,500) square feet for any lot or parcel without requiring a variance, so long as the findings <br />for a Conditional Development Permit are made. Notwithstanding the foregoing, this subsectionc <br />-U <br />shall not any parcel that has a LUF less than 1.0 and was created after the enabling date of <br />the ordinance implementing this sentence. <br />10-1.503 Floor area, <br />(c) Minimum MFA. The allowable floor area on any parcel or lot shall not be reduced to less than <br />five thousand (5,000) square feet by application of the provisions of this section, except as set forth <br />in subsection (e) of this section or except in the case of parcels or lots which have a lot unit factor <br />of 0.50 or less. Parcels or lots which have a lot unit factor of 0.50 or less require a Conditional <br />Development Permit and floor area may be restricted below five thousand (5,000) square feet as a <br />condition of the permit. Maximum floor area for lots which require a Conditional Development <br />Permit shall be established as the ratio of the lot unit factor (LUF) for the lot divided by 0.50 times <br />five thousand (5,000) square feet. The Site Development Authority may approve floor area of up <br />to two thousand five hundred (2,500) square feet for any lot without requiring a variance, so long <br />as the findings for a Conditional Development Permit are made. Notwithstanding the foregoing, <br />this subsection (c) shall not apply to any parcel that has a LUF less than 1.0 and was created after <br />the enabling date of the ordinance implementing this sentence. <br />SECTION 11. Revisions to Article 15, "Objective Standards for Qualified Senate Bill 9 <br />Subdivisions and Development Projects" of Chapter 1 of Title 10 <br />Article 15 of Chapter I of Title 10 is repealed in its entirety and a new Article 15 is added as follows. <br />Other articles, sections, subsections, paragraphs and texts not modified by this amendment are not <br />included below and shall remain in full force and effect. <br />Article 15. <br />Objective Standards for Qualified Senate Bill 9 Lot Splits and Development Projects <br />10-1.1501 Purpose and Intent. <br />10-1.1502 Definitions. <br />10-1.1503 SB 9 Lot Split Eligibility. <br />10-1.1504 Objective Development Standards for SB 9 Lot Splits. <br />10-1.1505 Objective Development Standards for SB 9 Units. <br />10-1.1506 Objective Building and Design Requirements for SB 9 Units. <br />10-1.1507 Adoption of Fees and Charges. <br />Ordinance 610 Page 7 <br />