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10-1.1501 Purpose and Intent. <br />The purpose of this article is to establish objective standards and regulations to govern the <br />development of qualified Senate Bill No. 9 (2021) ("SB 9") subdivisions and development projects <br />on single-family residential zoned properties within the Town of Los Altos Hills. The establishment <br />of these regulations will result in the orderly subdivision and development of qualified SB 9 projects <br />while ensuring that the new units are consistent with the semi -rural character of the Town and do <br />not create any significant impacts with regards to public infrastructure or public safety. The <br />regulations are established to implement the requirements under California Government Code <br />Sections 65 852.21 and 66411.7. <br />10-1.1502 Definitions. <br />For purposes of this article, the following definitions apply: <br />(a) Adjacent parcel means any parcel of land that (1) adjoins another parcel by any portion of <br />a shared property line; (2) is separated from another parcel at any point only by a public right- <br />of-way, ingress -egress easement, or public or private easement; or (3) is separated from another <br />parcel only by other real property which in common ownership or control of the same owner or <br />development project applicant. <br />(b) Accessory dwelling unit or ADU, means an attached or a detached residential dwelling unit <br />as defined by Section 10-1.1402 of this code. <br />(c) Dwelling unit or Dwelling means an ADU, JADU, a primary dwelling, and an SB 9 Unit, <br />as applicable. <br />(d) Junior accessory dwelling unit or JADU, or "efficiency unit", means a dwelling unit as <br />defined by Section 10-1.1402 of this code. <br />(e) Conservation Easement means restrictive covenants that run with the land and bind upon <br />successive owners that protects against future development such as preservation of open space, <br />scenic, riparian, historical, agricultural, forested, or similar conditions. Open space and riparian <br />easements are included in this definition. <br />(f) Existing dwelling means a primary dwelling or other dwelling unit on a parcel that exists <br />prior to any voluntary demolition or reconstruction or remodel where no more than 50% of the <br />exterior wall framing has been removed or altered. Any existing dwelling unit where more than <br />50% of the exterior wall framing has been removed is considered a new dwelling for purposes <br />of this article. <br />(g) Panhandle means the portion of a lot which connects the buildable section of the lot to a <br />public or private vehicular right-of-way. <br />(h) Pathway means designated pedestrian, equestrian, and/or bicycle routes as shown on the <br />Pathway Master Plan of the Town. <br />(i) Primary dwelling means a building as defined in Section 10-1.202 and is reviewed and <br />entitled as asingle-family residence pursuant to the provisions of Article 3, Chapter 2 of Title <br />10 of this code. <br />Ordinance 610 Page 8 <br />