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EXHIBIT A <br />FINDINGS OF DENIAL <br />Based on the entirety of the record before it, which includes without limitation: the Los Altos Hills <br />General Plan; the Los Altos Hills Municipal Code, preliminary application requirements under <br />Government Code section 65941.1; all submittals from Appellant, correspondences from the Los <br />Altos Hills Planning Department, all oral and written comments, and all communications, <br />submittals, presentations, recordings, minutes, written correspondence, and public testimony <br />submitted as part of the Los Altos Hills Planning Commission's duly noticed August 3, 2023 <br />public hearing, and any other evidence and testimony presented in the record below, the Planning <br />Commission of the Town of Los Altos Hills makes the following findings with regard to the denial <br />of an appeal of the June15, 2023 administrative determination by the Los Altos Hills Planning <br />Department that Preliminary Applications for two development proposals at 11511 Summit Wood <br />Road were considered submitted as of June 2, 2023 (FILE #APL23-0002): <br />1. The Planning Commission finds that the appeal was timely filed on June 27, 2023, within <br />the 14 -day appeal period from an administrative determination, in accordance with Los <br />Altos Hills Municipal Code Section 10-1.1002. <br />2. Under Government Code section 65941.1, an applicant may submit a preliminary <br />application to the Town by providing a list of required information set forth under that <br />statute. If all of said information on the list is provided, the preliminary application is <br />considered submitted and would lock in all of the applicable standards, regulations and <br />policies applicable to the proposed project to those in effect at the time of submittal, unless <br />the applicant fails to follow up timely with submitting a formal application or if certain <br />substantive changes are made to the proposed project. The list of items required for a <br />preliminary application under Gov. Code section 65941.1 is as follows: <br />a. Project specific location, i.e. address, APN numbers, legal descriptions, as <br />applicable. <br />b. The existing uses on the project site and identification of major physical alterations <br />to the property on which the project is to be located. <br />c. A site plan showing the location on the property, elevations showing design, color, <br />and material, and the massing, height, and approximate square footage, of each <br />building that is to be occupied. <br />d. The proposed land uses by number of units and square feet of residential and <br />nonresidential development using the categories in the applicable zoning ordinance. <br />e. The proposed number of parking spaces. <br />f. Any proposed point sources of air or water pollutants. <br />g. Any species of special concern known to occur on the property. <br />h. Whether a portion of the property is located within certain special areas such as <br />high fire hazard severity zones, hazardous waste sites, delineated earthquake fault <br />zones, and special flood hazard area, all as defined by statutes. <br />i. Any historic or cultural resources known to exist on the property. <br />j. The number of proposed below market rate units and their affordability levels <br />k. The number of bonus units and any incentives, concessions, waivers, or parking <br />reductions requested pursuant to Government Code Section 65915. <br />Resolution PC08-23 Page 3 <br />