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1. Whether any approvals under the Subdivision Map Act, including, but not limited <br />to, a parcel map, a tentative map, or a condominium map, are being requested. <br />m. The applicant's contact information and, if the applicant does not own the property, <br />consent from the property owner to submit the application. <br />n. For a project proposed within the coastal zone, whether any portion of the property <br />contains any wetlands or other environmentally sensitive areas. <br />o. The number of existing residential units on the project site that will be demolished <br />and whether each existing unit is occupied or unoccupied. <br />p. A site map showing certain stream or other stream resource, as applicable and <br />defined by statute. <br />q. The location of any recorded public easement, such as easements for storm drains, <br />water lines, and other public rights of way. <br />3. Section 65941.1 also requires cities, including the Town, to "compile a checklist and <br />application form" for applicants' use for the purpose of satisfying the requirements of <br />submitting a preliminary application. It further requires the State Department of Housing and <br />Community Development (HCD) to adopt a standardized form for applicants' -use if a city <br />has not developed its own application form. In 2020, HCD adopted a Preliminary Application <br />Form pursuant to this statute and setting forth the required items in the list above. The Town <br />has adopted this form for applicants' use, making it available at Town Hall and also <br />publishing it on the Town's website. <br />4. when reviewing a preliminary application, state law requires the Town to only check the <br />submittal against the list of statutory items and determine whether the applicant has provided <br />those items in their entirety. <br />5. While Government Code section 65941.1 does not impose any review timelines for <br />reviewing a preliminary application, the Town has adhered to a 30 -day response timeline <br />consistent with its review time for all development project applications for completeness as <br />required by statute. <br />6. As described in further detail in the accompanying staff report, Appellant filed Preliminary <br />applications for two development proposals on February 2, 2023. <br />7. On March 3, 2023, the Planning Department provide written comments to Appellant <br />informing him that the Preliminary Applications did not provide all required items required <br />under Government Code section 65941.1 as specified in the Town's preliminary application <br />form., including an Owner's Affidavit confirming Appellant is the property owner. On April <br />39 2023, Appellant responded to the Planning Department in writing that the requested <br />information is not required by Section 65941.1 and provided revised Preliminary Application <br />submittals for both development proposals, which among other things stated that a geological <br />fault is located near the subject property. <br />8. On April 21, 2023, the Planning Department provided written comments to Appellant <br />informing him that the Preliminary Applications did not provide all required items required <br />under Government Code section 65941.1 as specified in the Town's preliminary application <br />form, including an Owner's Affidavit confirming Appellant is the property owner and <br />information regarding earthquake fault zones as required under Government Code section <br />65941.1(a)(8). On May 3, 2023, Appellant responded to the Planning Department in writing <br />that the requested information is not required by Section 65941.1 and provided revised <br />Preliminary Application submittals for both development proposals, which among other <br />Resolution PC08-23 Page 4 <br />