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RESOLUTION 89-23 <br />A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE <br />TOWN OF LOS ALTOS HILLS APPROVING THE ASSOCIATION OF SANTA <br />CLARA COUNTY'S JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT TO ESTABLISH THE <br />CITIES ASSOCIATION OF SANTA CLARA COUNTY JOINT POWERS <br />AGENCY AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE THE <br />AGREEMENT <br />WHEREAS, over thirty years ago, the cities and towns in Santa Clara County ("Member <br />Agencies") established the CASCC to improve cooperation on issues of common interest. <br />The CASCC was intended to consolidate and maintain the functions and purposes of the <br />Inter -City Council, the Santa Clara County Mayor's Conference, and the City Selection <br />Committee for Santa Clara County. In 1990, the cities and towns entered into an agreement <br />to provide some structure and outline the purpose and function of the CASCC. In 2010, the <br />CASCC adopted its bylaws. Currently, the CASCC is an unincorporated association; and <br />WHEREAS, as early as 2017, the CASCC began reviewing and considering the appropriate <br />organizational structure for the CASCC. In August 2020, its Board of Directors <br />unanimously voted to take the steps necessary to form a joint powers authority because it <br />would provide a more formal and recognized structure for CASCC and clarity regarding tax <br />status, governmental immunities, and potential liability of the Members. To form a joint <br />powers authority, a JPA must be approved by the CASCC Board of Directors and then <br />executed by each Member Agency that wishes to join the joint powers authority, which <br />would be called the Cities Association of Santa Clara County Joint Powers Agency <br />("Agency"); and <br />WHEREAS, CASCC representatives presented a draft JPA at the Santa Clara County City <br />Managers Association ("SCCCMA") meeting on October 12, 2022 and on September 14, <br />2023, the CASCC Board received the updated draft JPA that included edits that responded <br />to comments of the City/Town Attorneys and City Managers; and <br />WHEREAS, on September 14, 2023, the CASCC Board unanimously approved transmittal <br />of the draft JPA Agreement to the City Councils for each of the proposed Member Agencies <br />for their consideration; and <br />WHEREAS, the City Council considered the proposed JPA Agreement at its October 19, <br />2023 City Council meeting. <br />WHEREAS, approval of the draft JPA Agreement does not constitute a "project" pursuant <br />to the California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA") because it can be seen with certainty <br />that approval and implementation of the Agreement will not cause either a direct physical <br />change in the environment, or a reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the <br />environment. <br />Resolution 89-23 Page I <br />