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12. All construction shall comply with 2019 California Green Building Standards Code, Part 11, <br />Title 24 mandatory measures. The property owner shall provide a 2019 CalGreen Residential <br />Checklist demonstrating conformance with all applicable mandatory measures at time of <br />building permit submittal. <br />13. All construction shall comply with Section R337 of the 2019 California Residential Code <br />(Materials and Construction Methods for Exterior Wildfire Exposure). <br />14. The property owner shall remove all Stinkwort (Dittrichia graveolens) plants from the entire <br />property and in the road right-of-way by manual pulling or use of herbicide by October 1 st <br />of each year until the final approval of the project. <br />15. After completion of rough framing or at least six (6) months prior to scheduling a final <br />inspection, the applicant shall submit landscape screening and erosion control plans for <br />review by the Planning Commission. The application for landscape screening and erosion <br />control shall be accompanied by the applicable fee and deposit. The plans shall be reviewed <br />at a noticed public hearing. Attention shall be given to plantings which will be adequate to <br />break up the view of the new residence from surrounding properties and streets. All <br />landscaping required for screening purposes and for erosion control (as determined by the <br />City Engineer) must be installed prior to final inspection of the new residence. The landscape <br />screening plan shall comply with Section 10-2.809 (water efficient landscaping) of the Los <br />Altos Hills Municipal Code. <br />16. A $5,000 landscape maintenance and water usage deposit shall be paid to the Town prior to <br />final inspection of the new residence. Two years after the project has been completed, the <br />applicant shall furnish staff with the last 12 months of water usage for the property and <br />conduct a site inspection to ensure installed landscape screening is still present and has been <br />adequately maintained. Inadequate maintenance of installed landscape screening and/or <br />water usage greater than the annual usage indicated on the approved parcel water budget <br />worksheet, may result in complete forfeiture of this deposit. <br />17. Prior to beginning any grading operation, all significant trees, particularly any heritage oak <br />trees, are to be fenced at the drip line. The fencing shall be of a material and structure (chain- <br />link) to clearly delineate the drip line. Town staff must inspect the fencing and the trees to <br />be fenced prior to commencement of any grading. The property owner shall call for said <br />inspection at least three days in advance of the inspection. The fencing must remain <br />throughout the course of construction. No storage of equipment, vehicles or debris shall be <br />allowed within the drip lines of these trees. Existing perimeter plantings shall be fenced and <br />retained throughout the entire construction period. <br />18. Prior to requesting the final inspection, a registered civil engineer or licensed land surveyor <br />shall certify in writing and state that "the location of the new residence is no less than 30% <br />0" from side and rear property lines and no less than 40'-0" from the front property line." <br />The pad elevation of the additions shall be similarly certified in writing to state that "the pad <br />elevation of the new residence matches the elevation and location shown on the Site <br />Development plan." The applicant shall submit the stamped and signed letter(s) to the <br />Planning Department prior to requesting a final inspection. <br />Resolution PC 10-23 Page 4 <br />