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The process of preparing a set of priorities begins with a review of the adopted workplan <br />from the prior year. In January of 2023, staff presented a proposed set of priorities for the <br />year that reflected the goals of the Planning Commission and the 12 other standing <br />committees, the City Council, and staff. The entire Workplan and attachments were <br />presented to the Council on January 25, 2023, followed by the adopted Workplan presented <br />to Council on February 16, 2023. The goals were reviewed by staff and prioritized prior <br />to presenting them to the entire Council in a public meeting. By the end of the session the <br />Council had received public input and eventually adopted a Workplan with modifications <br />that represented the shared Council vision of what the staff should focus on throughout the <br />year. <br />Over the course of the year the committees, Council, and staff were faced with new <br />challenges and priorities that were accommodated through the year. In the end, the Council <br />adopted 47 projects as part of the 2023 Workplan as well as several additional projects that <br />were added to the Workplan during the year. A lesson learned over the course of that effort <br />was that although the staff, Council, planning commission and standing committees <br />appreciated the structure, we collectively need additional flexibility built into the next <br />Workplan to accommodate new priorities as they come up over the year. Another lesson <br />was that the projects themselves took longer than anticipated due to disruptions such as <br />staff turnover, competing priorities, new priorities, state mandates, natural disasters, and <br />unforeseen events. A mid -year progress report of the Workplan was presented to the <br />Council on August 17, 2023. <br />In 2023 the one-year Workplan adopted by the Council included a total of 47 key projects <br />made up of 92 individual milestones. They included things such as adopting the housing <br />element, adopting reach codes, conducting an emergency drill, preparing a broadband <br />feasibility study, and more. The status of those Workplan items was reviewed by the <br />Council in August 2023. Back in August we completed approximately 41 of the 92 <br />milestones and 33 were in progress. By the end of 2023 we had completed 60 milestones <br />and 12 are in progress. In addition to the adopted Workplan the Council and staff added <br />15 additional projects. They included things such as filling key vacancies, a pathway nexus <br />study, and more. Since August when staff reported to the Council, we have completed 2 <br />more of the additional projects. Therefore, of the 15 additional projects 8 have carried over <br />to the following year. Most of the projects (both original and added) that were not <br />completed in 2023 have been carried over to the proposed new two-year Workplan (2024- <br />25). <br />Assembling the 2024-25 workplan is a process of constant improvement, and this year <br />Town staff took a different approach in assembling the Town's goals. Staff observed in <br />several prior Workplans that many projects that get identified every year take more than a <br />single year to complete. This has led to multiple carryover items from one Workplan to the <br />next. Furthermore, the formation of the Workplan is a major endeavor and moving to a <br />two-year plan also saves staff time. <br />Therefore, staff assembled a two-year Workplan as opposed to setting the priorities for a <br />single year. Staff's hope is that this shift in the Town's goal setting process will reduce <br />City Council Special Meeting Minutes <br />January 23, 2024 <br />