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City Council Minutes
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6/20/2024 11:00:53 AM
Special Meeting Minutes
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planning work for staff and better align with the Town's goals that are set at the beginning <br />of 2024. Although it will be a two-year cycle, there will still be mid -year updates and an <br />opportunity, a year from now, to adjust the Workplan given any changed circumstances. <br />To kick off the 2024-25 Workplan, staff started the process by re-engaging with Frank <br />Benest, ICMA Executive Leader, to build a process with staff to collect and consider all <br />the priorities from the various stakeholders into a draft Workplan that we can present to <br />the Council. In addition, we engaged Dan Rich from RPMG, an established and <br />experienced public sector leader with deep experience dealing with Council and <br />communities, to develop a fair and collaborative process to walk the Council, community, <br />commission, and committees through a process of adopting our 2024-25 proposed <br />Workplan. The ultimate goal was to create a Workplan that is manageable by staff and <br />considers the needs of the Council, committees, and commission. Once adopted, the staff <br />will build a draft budget based on the goals. <br />The effort started in September when City Manager Peter Pirnejad and staff met with the <br />Planning Commission and every standing committee to walk them through the goal setting <br />process thereby asking them to review their accomplishments from 2023 as well as set their <br />goals for 2024-2025. Dan Rich followed up with one-on-one interviews in September with <br />each of the Council members to discuss their specific goals for the upcoming two <br />years. While the committees started meeting over the next several months to discuss and <br />vote on their shared goals, the staff went through an organized process to collect and <br />prioritize projects for a 2 -year Workplan. This involved two separate half-day retreats on <br />September 27th and November 81h to collect and discuss the priorities for the next two <br />years. By the end of the year the staff had assembled a proposed Workplan that considered <br />mandates, carryover items from 2023, staff -identified priorities as well as current goals <br />assembled from the Council, planning commission, and standing committees. Also <br />considered was the reality of staff and resource constraints. To help the Council, staff also <br />took an additional step to add budget approximations next to the items to help the <br />prioritization process. <br />On January 11th a special meeting of the City Council was held to provide an opportunity <br />for the planning commission and standing committees to share their 2023 accomplishments <br />and their 2024-2025 goals. The goals were collected by staff prior to the January 11th <br />meeting and considered in the development of the proposed 2024-2025 Council <br />Workplan. The purpose of that Council meeting was to give the commission and <br />committees an opportunity to present their goals and for the Council and for the community <br />to ask any questions. <br />The main body of the proposed Workplan is comprised of items identified that carried over <br />from the previous year and new items. The matrix includes a range of data that will be <br />reviewed in the staff presentation. It has enough perspective for the Council to discuss <br />strategic direction and detail for staff to prioritize work and build a budget that anticipates <br />the Council's top priorities. The proposed 2 -year Workplan itself is made up of 63 key <br />projects which include 138 milestones. The Workplan also has a list of eight (8) items in <br />the "Parking Lot" that were identified by the Council that the staff felt needed more <br />3 <br />City Council Special Meeting Minutes <br />January 23, 2024 <br />
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