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Special Meeting Minutes
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discussion to determine if they were high enough priorities to be in the Workplan (likely <br />at the expense of currently recommended items). <br />The reason this Workplan is so much larger than the previous one is first, because it is a <br />two-year plan and second, the staff included everything that it could think of, that takes <br />months or quarters to complete. Although many day-to-day operations such as issuing <br />permits or processing entitlements were not included, large operational efforts such as the <br />budget, audit, and sizable CIPs were included because of the allocation of staff and budget <br />resources necessary. Given the number of priorities, this year's Workplan is very <br />comprehensive and reflects the staff's full capacity. The staff made every effort to reduce <br />the Workplan but in the end the proposed Workplan was considered the highest priority <br />and reflects the collective vision of what needs to be done. Any significant changes or <br />additions to the Workplan will need to include reprioritization and potentially the addition <br />of staffing and budget resources. It should also be noted that the proposed Workplan will <br />also need to be budgeted and during that time if the Council or staff feels we need to reduce <br />the Workplan due to budget constraints that may come to light later in the year. <br />In late 2023 the committees all provided their goals for the next two years and those lengthy <br />conversations by and with the committee resulted in a list of projects that every committee <br />wanted to accomplish over the next two years. In reviewing the list of projects, staff <br />attempted to accommodate as many of the projects as we could with respect to staff <br />constraints and capacity. The comprehensive list of committee projects includes all <br />projects adopted by the 12 committees and commission, assembled, and presented to the <br />Council at the January 11 meeting. Over the course of several months staff met with every <br />committee chair and Council liaison to review their specific goals and how they fit into the <br />entire Workplan. The entire list of committee goals has been color coded to include <br />projects incorporated into the proposed Workplan, projects that the committees have been <br />asked to take the lead on, as well as what projects were not on the Workplan this cycle. The <br />committees have all had a chance to voice their perspective and have come to some level <br />of consensus with the staff and the Council liaison. In some cases, the committee has or <br />may ask the Council for more resources. In those cases, the Workplan will need to be <br />reprioritized and additional staff and funding may be required. <br />At this point the entire Council, commissions, and committees have seen and added <br />feedback on the Workplan. The staff is prepared to present the Workplan to the Council <br />at the January 23rd meeting and make any changes or reprioritize as identified by the <br />Council prior to proposed adoption in February. <br />In light of the need for flexibility and for the committees to be heard, a new process is being <br />recommended for bringing items forward outside of this formal goal setting process. If a <br />committee (or a Council member) wants to add a new work item, they can have it added to <br />a Council agenda; Council will first decide if it is worthy of consideration and if a majority <br />agrees, then staff would return at a future meeting with a follow up report outlining the <br />implications of adding the new item (deleted or deferring an existing one, additional <br />resources, etc.). <br />4 <br />City Council Special Meeting Minutes <br />January 23, 2024 <br />
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