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4 <br /> City Council/Planning Commission <br />Joint Special Meeting Minutes <br /> January 19, 2022 <br />Mayor Tyson said we’ve heard about the large number of units we are required to <br />see built and the punishments the town will receive if we don’t meet those <br />requirements. The only solution he can see is to provide incentives such as fee <br />waivers, expedited approvals, etc., but that still does not mean the requirements will <br />be met. Are the penalties mitigated by any of the good faith efforts that are made? <br /> <br />Mr. Barral explained that the town is not required to build those units. The town <br />needs to provide adequate zoning and capacity so that the units could be <br />built. Currently in state law, there are no penalties. There have been proposals and <br />bills that would introduce penalties. <br /> <br />Commissioner Indaco asked about expanding our definition of the dwelling units so <br />that it includes room rentals? Can individual rooms be counted as a unit? Can we <br />expand by perhaps adding kitchen efficiency units? What kind of creative ways can <br />we use for the RHNA numbers? <br /> <br />Mr. Barral said that counting room rentals would probably not be allowed under <br />state law. They need to be census-defined units. Many student housing units would <br />not be counted. There might be some leeway to explore strategies with faith-based <br />organizations. <br /> <br />Councilmember Mok asked about infrastructure. In the last five cycles, there have <br />been lots that have been redeveloped and we are running out of lots. If we are adding <br />500 or 600 units in the next years, who pays for the infrastructure - PG&E, sewer <br />extensions, roads, etc.? <br /> <br />Mr. Barral said that often the development impact fees fund the infrastructure over <br />time. Generally, the improvements are paid for by the developers. The town needs to <br />do its part to make sure the infrastructure is available for the new units. <br /> <br />Vice Mayor Swan asked about ADUs and septic. If a house is on septic and you put <br />in an ADU, does it count? <br /> <br />Mr. Barral said it counts as long as it meets the requirement of ADU. It applies to <br />multi-family sites. Rezoning a parcel far away from amenities would not count. <br /> <br />Commissioner Patel asked what towns or cities in California would be similarly <br />challenged as ours in creating more RHNA units, especially in affordable housing <br />units. <br /> <br />Mr. Barral said that LAH is unique as it doesn’t have commercial land use. He cited <br />Rolling Hills and Bradbury - both in Los Angeles County. Everyone has been <br />challenged in meeting the requirements. <br /> <br /> <br />