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<br />2 <br />Planning Commission Meeting December 12, 2022 Minutes <br />4. PUBLIC HEARINGS <br /> Ex parte: <br />No ex parte communications were reported by the Commissioners. <br /> <br /> 4.1 Continued to a date uncertain. <br />10701 Magdalena Road – File #SD22-0042 – Lands of Ng <br />Site Development permit for a new residence, attached garage, swimming pool, with a Grading <br />Exception. <br />CEQA Review: Categorical Exemption per Section 15303(a) <br />Project Planner: Elaine Ling <br /> <br />5. STUDY SESSION <br /> 5.1 Study Session to consider Zoning Ordinance text amendments of the Municipal Code to <br />ministerially allow properties to develop up to four units or subdivide into two lots and develop <br />up to two units, pursuant to California Senate Bill 9 (SB9). <br />Planner: Elaine Ling <br /> <br /> Commissioner Couperus noted concerns related to State Bill 9 and two other state bills. He also <br />voiced his concerns on the Wildlife Urban Interface (WUI) designation as it relates to <br />development for fire dangers. <br />Commissioner Indaco noted her concerns regarding how other municipalities are working on <br />adopting new ordinances to accommodate Senate Bill 9 (SB9). <br />Chair Waschura noted his agreement with both commissioners’ comments and further noted <br />he was concerned about the seismic situation and construction on hillsides as it pertains to public <br />safety. He also noted a concern about how to handle a request for someone wanting to develop <br />on a hillside with something like a 50% slope. He also wanted to discuss how the Town and <br />outside agencies, and specifically the Santa Clara County Fire Department, would work together <br />on these issues to make their involvement ministerial. <br />Senior Planner Ling presented the staff report. The presentation included a poll, an introduction <br />to SB 9 State Bill, the Town’s urgency ordinance, and introduction of other jurisdictions’ SB 9 <br />ordinances. <br />The first poll question was, “How are you associated with the Town?” The answer choices were <br />listed as follows: 1. Own, 2. Rent, 3. Work, 4. Other. <br />Planning Director Mangalam noted that all the responses to the poll from the public <br />participants were “1. Own.” <br />Senior Planner Ling presented a second set of poll questions to the public with listed choices <br />for responses detailed below. <br />Which aspects of the Town’s existing single family zoning standards do you think are most <br />important to preserving the character of Los Altos Hills? <br />1. Deep property line setbacks: 40ft front and 30ft rear and sides. <br />2. Building height under 27ft. <br />3. Maximum development and floor area size: MDA and MFA rules. <br />4. Easements required for open space and hillside preservation. <br />5. Easements required for approved pathways.