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<br />3 <br />Planning Commission Meeting December 12, 2022 Minutes <br />How important is it that Affordable Housing features be incorporated into the SB9 <br />requirements? <br />1. Low <br />2. Medium <br />3. High <br />Should the Town provide incentives to encourage development that adhere to existing <br />single family zoning standards? <br />1. Yes <br />2. No <br />Chair Waschura requested that the Commissioners have an opportunity to ask staff questions <br />about the information being presented. <br />Commissioner Indaco asked to revisit the information presented on Saratoga’s response to SB9. <br />Chair Waschura asked if there was a top list of which aspects of the Town’s Urgency Ordinance <br />require the most attention. <br />Senior Planner Ling responded that this question would be addressed at a second study session. <br />Planning Director Mangalam qualified Senior Planner Ling’s response by stating that this was <br />the first study session, which could yield more guidance and/or refinements to the Town’s <br />Urgency Ordinance as further reviews would reveal. <br />Commissioner Couperus asked a question regarding responding to the second poll question as <br />mentioned in these minutes. <br />Planning Director Mangalam noted that the second poll question allowed more than one <br />answer to be selected up to all, the third and fourth questions only allowed only one answer to <br />be selected. <br />Planning Director Mangalam noted that there were 11 answers to this poll submitted so far and <br />this survey would be added to the Town’s webpage. <br />Public polling resumed and the results were shared by Planning Director Mangalam. <br />Results to the first poll question were noted as follows: <br />• 8/12 chose property setbacks. <br />• 4/12 chose building height. <br />• 7/12 chose maximum MDA/MFA. <br />• 9/12 chose easements required for open space & hillside preservation. <br />• 5/12 chose easements for approved pathways. <br />Results for the second poll question was noted as follows: <br />• 2/12 chose “low.” <br />• 3/12 chose “medium.” <br />• 7/12 chose “high.” <br />Results for the third poll question was noted as follows: <br />• 12/12 chose “Yes.”