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6/25/2024 4:28:01 PM
Authorizing a Legal Services Agreement with Redwood Public Law, LLP to Provide for Continued CIty Attorney and Special Counsel Legal Services by Steve Mattas, Claire Lai and the Team of Attorneys that Currently Provide Those Services to the Town of Los Altos Hills and Appropriate $40,000 from Unreserved General Fund to Get Through the End of the Fiscal Year
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RESOLUTION 14-24 <br />A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF LOS ALTOS HILLS <br />AUTHORIZING A LEGAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH REDWOOD PUBLIC <br />LAW, LLP TO PROVIDE FOR CONTINUED CITY ATTORNEY AND SPECIAL <br />COUNSEL LEGAL SERVICES BY STEVE MATTAS, CLAIRE LAI AND THE TEAM <br />OF ATTORNEYS THAT CURRENTLY PROVIDE THOSE SERVICES TO THE TOWN <br />OF LOS ALTOS HILLS AND APPROPRIATE $40,000 FROM UNRESERVED <br />GENERAL FUND TO GET THROUGH THE END OF THE FISCAL YEAR <br />WHEREAS, Steve Mattas has served as City Attorney for the Town of Los Altos Hills ("Town") <br />since August 31, 2002, through a contract between the Town and Meyers Nave, PLC; and <br />WHEREAS, Steve Mattas and the team of attorneys that he works with have advised the Town <br />that they will be joining Redwood Public Law effective on March 15, 2024; and <br />WHEREAS, the City Council desires to continue to have Steve Mattas serve as City Attorney and <br />also desires to have the other attorneys at Redwood Public Law, LLP continue to serve the Town <br />through the provision of City Attorney general counsel and special counsel services; and <br />WHEREAS, by approving the contract and scope of the work, the Town complies with Section <br />2-4.04(c) of the Town's Municipal Code which states that "the skill, ability, and expertise of the <br />entity or person performing those services" is a key component in the selection process. It also <br />states that "[t]he services selection should therefore be on the basis of demonstrated competence, <br />overall value to the Town, and on the professional qualifications necessary for the satisfactory <br />performance of the services required."; and <br />WHEREAS, the proposed contract with Redwood Public Law, LLP contains the same retainer <br />and hourly rates that are currently charged to the Town for City Attorney general and special <br />counsel services; and <br />WHEREAS, an appropriation of $40,000 is needed from the general fund reserve for legal <br />services through the end of the Fiscal Year. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the Town of Los Altos Hills <br />as follows: <br />Section 1. The foregoing recitals are true and correct and are hereby incorporated by reference. <br />Section 2. The City Council hereby approves the legal services agreement with Redwood Public <br />Law, LLP, attached hereto as Exhibit 1, for City Attorney general and special counsel services and <br />designating Steve Mattas as City Attorney, and authorizes the City Manager to sign the agreement <br />on behalf of the Town. <br />Section 3. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. <br />Resolution 14-24 <br />
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