<br />This Is an Agreement for Legal Services entered into by and between the TOWN OF LOS ALTOS
<br />HILLS hereinafter referred to as "TOWN" and REDWOOD PUBLIC LAW, LLP, hereinafter referred to as
<br />"REDWOOD,"
<br />1, Legal Services to be Provided. TOWN hires REDWOOD to provide legal services as
<br />counsel to the TOWN. As requested by the TOWN, such duties shall include preparation and review of
<br />ordinances, contracts, leases, resolutions and other documents of legal import; attendance at all TOWN
<br />Council meetings, and at Planning Commission and staff meetings as requested; rendition of legal opinions
<br />and advice on matters of TOWN business; representation in litigation to which the TOWN is a party; and
<br />such other duties or services generally performed by a general counsel and necessary to assiāst the TOWN
<br />In achieving its goals in a sound legal manner, .
<br />2. Appointment of City Attorney. TOWN, by and through its TOWN Council does hereby
<br />designate Steve Mattes as City Attorney of the Town of Los Altos Hills. Mr. Mattes will serve as the primary
<br />resource for the TOWN and will either provide or coordinate and supervise the provision of all legal
<br />services, Claire Lai will serve as the primary Assistant City Attorney, The City Attorney may designate
<br />additional Assistant City Attorneys to assist the City Attorney.
<br />3, Legal Fees, TOWN shall pay REDWOOD $13,465 per month for basic general counsel
<br />services as defined herein. This amount shall be inclusive of photocopy, postage, fax and travel costs for
<br />travel to and from City Council and Commission meetings related to those basic general counsel services,
<br />Such basic general counsel services include the following:
<br />(1) Attend all regular and special meetings of the City Council, City Council study sessions, and certain
<br />Planning Commission meetings as necessary. During those meetings, provide advice and opinions with
<br />respect to all legal matters;
<br />(2) Attend meetings of other boards, committees or staff of the Town as deemed necessary and
<br />appropriate, or as requested by the City Council or City Manager, at which time provide advice and
<br />opinions with respect to all legal matters;
<br />(3) Provide legal advice, consultation and training to the City Manager and the Town staff regarding
<br />Town operations and policies to minimize risks and potential liability, thereby protecting the fiscal interests
<br />of the Town and improving the delivery of municipal services;
<br />(4) Provide research, preparation or review of ordinances, resolutions, agreements and contracts,
<br />budgets, written opinions and advice letters, emails, agendas and other documents pertaining to Town
<br />business, and examine for legal sufficiency all documents that Town staff may submit for review including,
<br />but not limited to Town services, elections, land use, open meeting laws, code enforcement, public records,
<br />health and safety, and legislative procedures;
<br />(5) Provide legal services required in connection with (a) the routine acquisition of land or easements,
<br />(b) property disposals, (c) public improvements, (d) easement dedications, (e) right-of-way abandonment,
<br />(f) enforcement of Town Codes, and (g) land use, zoning regulations and building standards except where
<br />such services are part of land use cost recovery as set forth in the Special Services section;
<br />