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(6) Advise the City Council, agents and Town staff on all general legal matters pertaining to the Town, <br />including the enforcement and interpretation of State and local laws and codes, The City Attorney shall use <br />good faith efforts to provide routine legal advice and consultation to Town staff on a "same day" basis via <br />email, telephone, or in- person meetings, or correspondence; <br />(7) Render advice and assistance in the administration of the Town's general liability risk <br />management and insurance programs; <br />(8) Keep the Council and City Manager informed of the status of all litigations involving the Town; <br />Provide written opinions when requested by City Manager or Council members; <br />(9) Provide consultation with individual City Council members on questions regarding Town legal <br />matters; <br />(10) When approved by the City Council or City Manager, communicate with members of the public <br />and/or press regarding Town operations and activities of a legal nature; <br />(11) Hire and supervise activities of any legal counsel for matters requiring specialized skills or when a <br />conflict of interests exists and makes the City Attorney' s representation of the Town inappropriate, <br />For specialized legal services including labor and personnel issues, telecommunications issues, <br />enterprise fund work (e,g, sewer and storm water), and special services beyond the level of basic general <br />counsel services set forth herein and as approved by the City Manager or City Council, TOWN will pay <br />REDWOOD $370 per hour for attorneys. <br />For legal work associated with land use applications or sewer reimbursement agreements which <br />are subject to cost recovery by the Town, and all litigation, except tort litigation coordinated through ABAG, <br />TOWN will pay REDWOOD $440 per hour for Senior Partners and Senior Of Counsel, $400 per hour for <br />Partners, Of Counsel, and Associates, Paralegal work associated with these specialized services will be <br />billed at the rate of $185 per hour. <br />REDWOOD will not charge for travel time from our office to the Town for regular City Council <br />meetings, All other travel time will be billed at one-half of the hourly rate for that service. <br />TOWN shall reimburse REDWOOD for the actual costs of third -party expenses incurred by <br />REDWOOD such as expert witness fees, deposition and court reporter fees, and electronic legal research <br />fees. TOWN shall also pay REDWOOD an overhead charge of three (3) percent of each Special Counsel, <br />Land Use and Sewer Reimbursement Agreement Cost Recovery or Litigation services invoice to cover the <br />costs Incurred by MEYERS NAVE for photocopy, fax, delivery charges and postage expenses for those <br />matters. <br />4, Annual Performance Evaluation, On an annual basis, the City Council, with input from the <br />City Manager, shall review and evaluate the performance of the City Attorney, Steven Mattas, which may <br />include input to Mr. Mattas on the performance of other attorneys in the firm who have performed services <br />for the TOWN during the year, <br />5. Statements. REDWOOD shall bill the TOWN monthly on or about the end of the <br />month for fees and costs incurred. Services shall be separately.stated as time, date and particular services <br />rendered, REDWOOD will provide the City Manager with additional information as he/she/they deem <br />necessary on an on-going basis to provide the TOWN with information regarding current legal costs and <br />anticipated legal costs for the remainder of the fiscal year. <br />