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6/25/2024 4:28:01 PM
Authorizing a Legal Services Agreement with Redwood Public Law, LLP to Provide for Continued CIty Attorney and Special Counsel Legal Services by Steve Mattas, Claire Lai and the Team of Attorneys that Currently Provide Those Services to the Town of Los Altos Hills and Appropriate $40,000 from Unreserved General Fund to Get Through the End of the Fiscal Year
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(6) Advise the City Council, agents and Town staff on all general legal matters pertaining to the Town, <br />including the enforcement and interpretation of State and local laws and codes, The City Attorney shall use <br />good faith efforts to provide routine legal advice and consultation to Town staff on a "same day" basis via <br />email, telephone, or in- person meetings, or correspondence; <br />(7) Render advice and assistance in the administration of the Town's general liability risk <br />management and insurance programs; <br />(8) Keep the Council and City Manager informed of the status of all litigations involving the Town; <br />Provide written opinions when requested by City Manager or Council members; <br />(9) Provide consultation with individual City Council members on questions regarding Town legal <br />matters; <br />(10) When approved by the City Council or City Manager, communicate with members of the public <br />and/or press regarding Town operations and activities of a legal nature; <br />(11) Hire and supervise activities of any legal counsel for matters requiring specialized skills or when a <br />conflict of interests exists and makes the City Attorney' s representation of the Town inappropriate, <br />For specialized legal services including labor and personnel issues, telecommunications issues, <br />enterprise fund work (e,g, sewer and storm water), and special services beyond the level of basic general <br />counsel services set forth herein and as approved by the City Manager or City Council, TOWN will pay <br />REDWOOD $370 per hour for attorneys. <br />For legal work associated with land use applications or sewer reimbursement agreements which <br />are subject to cost recovery by the Town, and all litigation, except tort litigation coordinated through ABAG, <br />TOWN will pay REDWOOD $440 per hour for Senior Partners and Senior Of Counsel, $400 per hour for <br />Partners, Of Counsel, and Associates, Paralegal work associated with these specialized services will be <br />billed at the rate of $185 per hour. <br />REDWOOD will not charge for travel time from our office to the Town for regular City Council <br />meetings, All other travel time will be billed at one-half of the hourly rate for that service. <br />TOWN shall reimburse REDWOOD for the actual costs of third -party expenses incurred by <br />REDWOOD such as expert witness fees, deposition and court reporter fees, and electronic legal research <br />fees. TOWN shall also pay REDWOOD an overhead charge of three (3) percent of each Special Counsel, <br />Land Use and Sewer Reimbursement Agreement Cost Recovery or Litigation services invoice to cover the <br />costs Incurred by MEYERS NAVE for photocopy, fax, delivery charges and postage expenses for those <br />matters. <br />4, Annual Performance Evaluation, On an annual basis, the City Council, with input from the <br />City Manager, shall review and evaluate the performance of the City Attorney, Steven Mattas, which may <br />include input to Mr. Mattas on the performance of other attorneys in the firm who have performed services <br />for the TOWN during the year, <br />5. Statements. REDWOOD shall bill the TOWN monthly on or about the end of the <br />month for fees and costs incurred. Services shall be separately.stated as time, date and particular services <br />rendered, REDWOOD will provide the City Manager with additional information as he/she/they deem <br />necessary on an on-going basis to provide the TOWN with information regarding current legal costs and <br />anticipated legal costs for the remainder of the fiscal year. <br />
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