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7/9/2024 11:30:50 AM
Authorizing the City Manager to Execute an Agreement with Palo Alto Animal Control Services (Pets in Need) for Animal Control Services in Los Altos Hills
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SECTION 2: Termination by Any Party <br />If either party fails to perform any duties or obligations imposed by this Agreement and said <br />failure continues for sixty (60) days after written notification by the other, then the non - <br />breaching party may terminate this Agreement immediately after the sixty (60) day period by <br />providing written notice of termination. Either party may terminate this agreement at any time <br />without cause by providing one hundred eighty (180) days written notice of intent to terminate. <br />In any event of termination under this paragraph, Palo Alto shall be paid for all services <br />performed until the date of such termination. <br />SECTION 3: Advisory Committee <br />The joint committee shall hereafter be referred to as the Animal Control Task Force (ACTF) <br />consisting of the City Manager of Palo Alto or his/her designee, the City Manager of Agency or <br />his/her designee, the Supervising Animal Control Officer of PAAC, and the City Manager or <br />his/her designee of other cities that contract with Palo Alto to provide animal control and/or <br />sheltering services. The responsibilities of the ACTF shall include but are not limited to: <br />1. Review existing local animal control ordinances and make recommendations for <br />appropriate changes <br />2. Assessing licensing program <br />3. Analyze programmatic complaints by either party or its residents <br />4. Review revenues and expenditures relating to the program <br />SECTION 4: AjZency Responsibilities <br />1. Agency hereby designates Palo Alto to perform, on behalf of Agency, all services as <br />agreed to in Exhibit "A" - Scope of Services of this Agreement. <br />2. Agency hereby designates Palo Alto responsible for its dog license fee collection, <br />including the issuance of administrative citations for municipal code violations. City will <br />remit license fees to Agency. <br />3. Agency agrees not to adopt fees inconsistent with Palo Alto's schedule f'or animal <br />related fees during the term of the agreement. <br />4. Agency shall implement its own locally enacted provisions for administrative remedies <br />with respect to impoundment, nuisance abatement of dangerous animals and other similar <br />circumstances; provided, however, that Palo Alto will assist and respond when requested <br />by Agency, as set forth in Exhibit "A" of this Agreement. <br />5. Agency agrees that it will remain responsible for arranging and conducting hearings under <br />its Dangerous Animal Ordinances, including but not limited to, providing Hearing Officers <br />and a location for such hearings. Alternatively, Agency may request Palo Alto to provide <br />Hearing Officers and a location for such hearings, and Palo Alto may provide as such upon <br />mutual agreement and resource availability. The cost of these hearings shall be borne by <br />the animal owner; however, in the event Agency is unable to collect these costs from the <br />animal owner; Agency shall be responsible for these costs. <br />
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