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6. Agency agrees that it shall remain solely responsible for the defense of any appeal of any <br />decision rendered by the Hearing Officer or from any Court judgment based on claims, <br />actions or appeals resulting from Dangerous Animal designations made under Agency's <br />Ordinances. <br />7. Agency agrees to honor any dangerous animal designation issued by another partner <br />agency and enforce its laws accordingly. <br />8. Agency agrees to provide assistance upon request of Palo Alto's Animal Control Officers <br />within Agency's jurisdiction. <br />9. Agency shall be primarily responsible for the investigation and appropriate <br />enforcement action to be taken in substantiated cases of animal cruelty, abuse, etc., <br />under Section 597.1 of the California Penal Code. <br />10. Agency reports shall include description of the animal, location it was found, reporting <br />party information and any other relevant information that would assist Palo Alto's Animal <br />Control Officers with the disposition of the animal. The report shall be provided to Palo <br />Alto's Animal Control Officers staff at pick up. If the animal is released from Agency, the <br />report shall be sent to Palo Alto's Animal Control Officers by the end of the workday. <br />11. As unanticipated events occur in Agency cities, PAAC may be required to contract with <br />outside vendors to provide services that are above and beyond the scope of services <br />and/or the capabilities of PAAC personnel. After consultation and agreement of services <br />with Agency, Agency will be responsible for the cost of vendor services. <br />SECTION 5: Compensation <br />The purpose of this Section is to equitably divide the actual costs of providing animal <br />control and sheltering services to Agency. The costs to provide these services are based <br />on the actual program costs for the Palo Alto Animal Shelter and Animal Control <br />Division each fiscal year. <br />2. Agency agrees to pay Palo Alto under the following payment schedule: <br />a. August 1— Palo Alto will provide Agency with cost for previous fiscal year. <br />Payments are due to Palo Alto by September 15, of each year. <br />Payments shall be sent to: <br />Director of Community Services <br />1305 Middlefield Road <br />Palo Alto, CA 94301 <br />Agency agrees to pay its percentage of actual program cost for the Palo Alto Animal <br />Shelter and Animal Control Services Divisions each fiscal year. The City of Palo Alto will <br />provide the Town with the actual percentage to be invoiced for the previous fiscal year <br />(July 1 st - June 30th) by August 1 st of each year. <br />Agency's payment for service is based on 1) Agency's proportionate use of shelter services <br />