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over the period listed above and 2) Palo Alto's total costs for animal control and shelter <br />services. <br />4. PIN will retain all boarding and impound fees. Palo Alto will retain impound fees (in some <br />situations), quarantine, dog licensing, penalty, and miscellaneous fees. <br />5. Any payments not received on or before the due date shall accrue interest between the due <br />date and date of receipt. Interest shall be based on the prevailing rate of return earned by <br />Palo Alto's investments during that period. <br />6. In the event of early termination of this Agreement, in accordance with Section 2 of the <br />Agreement, Palo Alto shall bill Agency a proportional amount of the quarterly payment <br />that covers the quarter during which such termination is effective. <br />Any unforeseen changes in State requirements relating to the care and housing of animals <br />shall be the fiscal responsibility of Agency once implemented by Palo Alto based on <br />Agency's animals handled. <br />SECTION 6: Indemnification and Hold Harmless <br />Agency expressly agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Palo Alto, its officers, agents, <br />employees and servants from all demands, claims, liabilities, losses, charges, costs, or damages <br />caused by or arising out of Agency's negligent or willful misconduct in the performance of this <br />Agreement. <br />Palo Alto expressly agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Agency, its officers, agents, <br />employees and servants from all demands, claims, liabilities, losses, charges, costs, or damages <br />caused by or arising out of Palo Alto's negligent or willful misconduct in the performance of this <br />Agreement. <br />SECTION 7: Notices <br />All notices shall be submitted, in writing, and sent by the United States Mail, certified and <br />postage prepaid, by private express delivery service, by facsimile transmission followed by <br />delivery of hard copy, or by any other process mutually acceptable to the parties to the <br />addresses stated below or to any other address noticed in writing. <br />Palo Alto: City of Palo Alto <br />Director of Community Services <br />1305 Middlefield Road <br />Palo Alto, CA 94301 <br />Agency: Town of Los Altos Hills <br />26379 Fremont Rd. <br />Los Altos Hills, CA 94022 <br />SECTION 8: Miscellaneous <br />