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inspired by Time magazine's Person of the Year award and recognizes citizens who have <br /> generated good will and significantly enhanced Los Altos' and Los Altos Hills' <br /> • reputations as outstanding communities. Council, staff and the audience joined in the <br /> congratulations. <br /> PUBLIC HEARINGS <br /> 8. Consideration of Resolutions to Join CaliforniaFIRST Program and Authorize <br /> Sacramento County to Apply for State Energy Program Funds on Behalf of the <br /> Town of Los Altos Hills <br /> Planning Director Debbie Pedro introduced the item to Council. Council had before them <br /> two resolutions for their consideration. The first resolution would authorize the Town to <br /> join the CaliforniaFirst Program; and the second resolution would authorize Sacramento <br /> County to apply for State Energy Program Funds on behalf of the Town. <br /> Pedro provided an overview of the CaliforniaFirst Program that had been instituted by <br /> California Communities to allow property owners in participating cities and counties to <br /> finance renewable energy, energy efficiency and water efficiency improvements on their <br /> property. If the property owner chose to participate in the Program, the improvements <br /> would be financed by the issue of bonds with contractual assessments levied by <br /> California Communities on the owner's property to repay the portion of the.bonds issued <br /> to finance the improvements on that property. <br /> • Pedro reviewed the benefits to the property owner and benefits to the Town that would be <br /> realized by the Program. Pedro explained that the proposed resolution authorized <br /> payment of a set-up fee for legal procedural and technology costs associated with the <br /> CaliforniaFirst Program. Grant funding would be sought to cover the costs. If the grant <br /> funding to cover the start-up costs were not realized, the start-up costs for Santa Clara <br /> County and all the cities within the County would be $170,000. The cost to the Town <br /> would be $10,000. At that time, the Town could decide not to participate in the Program <br /> or determine if it was reasonable to proceed without grant funding. <br /> OPENED PUBLIC HEARING <br /> Peter Evans, Chair, Standing Environmental Initiatives Committee, commented that the <br /> CaliforniaFirst Program would have a beneficial impact on the Town. It would permit <br /> more residents to make energy efficiency improvements to their homes and assist the <br /> Town in achieving the Council approved goals for greenhouse gas reduction. <br /> CLOSED PUBLIC HEARING <br /> Council consensus was to support the Town's participation in the Program. <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Larsen, seconded by Summit and <br /> passed unanimously to approve Resolution No. 2-10 authorizing the Town of Los Altos <br /> • Hills to join the CaliforniaFirst program. <br /> 4 City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> January 14,2010 <br />