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Jost noted that the Towns of Atherton and Hillsborough also utilize a one City Council <br /> • meeting per month schedule. Both jurisdictions are similar to the Town in terms of land <br /> area, land use characteristics, population and demographics. For the past eight years, the <br /> Town's Planning Commission has also convened a single regularly scheduled meeting <br /> per month. <br /> Council Discussion: <br /> Mayor Pro Tem Kerr offered that the proposal would provide an opportunity for the staff <br /> to work more efficiently and effectively on Town projects and resident issues. It was <br /> noted that Council meetings had been cancelled over the past twelve months without an <br /> interruption in Town business. He concurred that the proposal was sensitive to the <br /> Council's commitments to committees and outside agencies. <br /> There was a Council consensus that the proposed meeting schedule would be more <br /> efficient. <br /> Council briefly discussed meeting dates. It was determined that Thursday was more <br /> amenable to work and business travel schedules of Council Members. <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Larsen, seconded by Mordo and <br /> passed unanimously to waive reading and introduce the ordinance as amended (third <br /> Thursday of each month)to set the regular meetings of the Council. Ordinance 518 <br /> • 14. City Council January/February Meeting Schedule <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Larsen, seconded by Kerr and <br /> passed unanimously to cancel the January 28, February 11 and February 25, 2010 <br /> regularly scheduled City Council meetings and to schedule a Special Meeting for <br /> February 18, 2010. <br /> PLANNING COMMISSION REPORT <br /> Planning Director Debbie Pedro provided a verbal report on the January 7, 2010 Planning <br /> Commission Meeting. Five Public Hearings had been conducted at the meeting: two <br /> items (Conditional Use Permits) would be forwarded to the City Council for their review <br /> and approval; three Site Development Permit requests had been considered including <br /> Lands of Nashashibi (approved 3-2 vote), Lands of Larson(approved 5-0 vote) and Lands <br /> of Bilger (approved 5-0 vote). Lands of Nashashibi had been appealed by Councilmember <br /> Mordo and would be considered by-the City Council at their next meeting. Project staff <br /> reports and Conditions of Approval for Lands of Larson and Lands of Bilger would be <br /> forwarded to the City Council by the City Clerk. <br /> REPORTS FROM COMMITTEES, SUB-COMMITTEES, AND <br /> COUNCILMEMBERS ON OUTSIDE AGENCIES <br /> Councilmember Summit reported that she had attended the Standing Environmental <br /> • Design and Protection Committee. No action to report. <br /> 9 City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> January 14,2010 <br />