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Hills residents. Mordo explained that the proposed parcel tax was an extension of the <br /> current tax that supports the Town's local libraries. <br /> • Kathy Evans, La Loma Drive, voiced her support for additional funding for Parks and <br /> Recreation staffmg and programs. She suggested that the Council express their interest in <br /> scheduling a Hoedown or the event might be cancelled for the current year. <br /> PUBLIC HEARINGS <br /> 15. LANDS OF NASHASHIBI, 28008 Laura Court; Appeal of the Planning <br /> Commission's Decision to approve a Site Development Permit for a 6,313 square <br /> foot two story new residence with a 3,264 square foot basement(maximum height:30 <br /> feet) a 591 square foot bunker and a 648 square foot swimming pool. The proposal <br /> also includes the removal of one (1) heritage oak tree and a Grading Policy <br /> Exemption of up to 12 feet of cut and 6 feet of fill for the house, fire truck <br /> turnaround, driveway and parking area. CEQA Review: Categorical Exemption per <br /> Section 15303 (a)& (e) (Staff. D. Pedro) <br /> City Council Ex Parte Contacts Policy Disclosure: <br /> Mayor Pro Tem Kerr: Visited the site and met with the applicants and architect. <br /> Councilmember Larsen: Visited the site and met with the applicants and architect. <br /> Larsen noted that he had also reviewed all of the electronic correspondence he had <br /> received. <br /> • Mayor Warshawsky: Visited the site and met with the applicants and architect. <br /> Councilmember Summit: Visited the site and met with the applicants and architect. <br /> Councilmember Mordo: Visited the site and met with the applicants and architect. <br /> Planning Director Debbie Pedro introduced the item to Council. The subject property, an <br /> approximate two acre parcel with an average slope of 25%, is located on the south side of <br /> Laura Court. The site is currently vacant. The applicant is proposing to construct a new <br /> 6,313 square foot two story new residence with a 3,264 square foot basement, a 591 <br /> square foot bunker, a 648 square foot swimming pool, grading policy exceptions and the <br /> removal of a heritage oak tree. <br /> The Planning Commission, at their January 7, 2010 meeting, had reviewed and approved <br /> the site development application by a 3-2 vote with Commissioners Clow, Abraham and <br /> Harpootlian casting the yes votes and Commissioners Collins and Partridge casting the <br /> dissenting votes. The Commission had approved the project with three (3) additional <br /> conditions: 1) Preserve oak tree #6 located near the entrance of the property; 2) Preserve <br /> the existing trees along the east property line until construction was complete and the new <br /> landscape screening was installed to help mitigate views from neighboring properties; and <br /> 3) Exterior materials of the new residence shall comply with the Town's light reflectivity <br /> requirement. On January 11, 2010, the Planning Commission's decision had been <br /> appealed by Councilmember Mordo. <br /> Pedro proceeded with a PowerPoint presentation and reviewed specifics of the project <br /> with Council. Additional details of the project included: the increased setbacks for the <br /> 5 City Council Special Meeting Minutes <br /> February 18,2010 <br />