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10/31/2014 2:49:00 PM
Creation date
10/31/2014 2:48:32 PM
Special Meeting Minutes
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The proposed project included a 3,800 gallon water retention system that would be <br /> installed underground on the north site of the property. Nilsen explained that by <br /> developing the site, the applicant was addressing the current drainage issues that had been <br /> problematic to the property and would mitigate many of the concerns expressed by the <br /> neighbors. The architect noted that the driveway would be constructed of permeable <br /> material and would also assist with correcting drainage issues. <br /> Nilsen commented that the soils/geotechnical report for the site had identified expansive <br /> clays and fill soil that had been deposited on the site. The geotechnical report had <br /> recommended removal of the fill approximately 15 feet down to the more stable soil for <br /> construction of the residence. The creek zone fill had also been identified as problematic. <br /> Additionally, the removal of the fill soil would be beneficial for the health of the oak trees <br /> on the site. <br /> Mayor Pro Tem Kerr requested clarification from staff on the soils report that the <br /> applicant's architect (Nilsen) had commented on during his presentation. City Engineer <br /> Richard Chiu noted that the report had been prepared in 1999 for the site. The applicant <br /> had submitted an update letter to the report from his soils engineer. However, based on <br /> the Town's geotechnical consultant's review of the project, additional borings and <br /> geotechnical investigation and further review had been recommended due to the change <br /> in the scope of the project from the earlier project for the site. The Nashashibi project <br /> included a basement and bunker. Chiu noted that it was too premature at this time with <br /> the limited soils review, to identify the architect's proposal of scraping the property as the <br /> only solution for the soil conditions. <br /> • Councilmember Mordo questioned the need for the 3,900 square feet of underground <br /> space. He noted that the majority of the cut was to accommodate this space. Nilsen <br /> offered that the space would primarily be used for a garage for the owners' cars and <br /> would result in less coverage on the site. <br /> In response from a question from Mayor Pro Tem Kerr, Nilsen offered that the applicant <br /> was committed to his home being energy efficient. The project had been designed to <br /> achieve LEED certification and he was hopeful they could obtain platinum status. <br /> Public Comments: <br /> John Vidovich, resident, stated that he was very familiar with the site and he supported <br /> the project. He had reviewed the plans and walked the site. Vidovich did not believe the <br /> house was too tall for the property and noted that the proposed grading would allow the <br /> height of the structure to be lower. Vidovich had developed the Quarry Lake properties <br /> and explained that the Quarry had been excessively graded and the natural grade was <br /> basically non-existent and as a result, the previous City Council had approved exceptions <br /> for the area. Vidovich suspected that the site was a fill area and if the basement design <br /> was not used, the likely scenario for the narrow constrained site would be to grade the fill <br /> out and compact the site. Vidovich offered that he had received approval for similar <br /> grading on a property next to the site and he did not believe the exception was a precedent <br /> for the particular(Quarry) area. <br /> 7 City Council Special Meeting Minutes <br /> February 18,2010 <br />
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