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Yang Chiang Yuan, Laura Court, spoke to his experiences with the Town during the <br /> planning and construction phase of his new residence. His project had taken four years. <br /> • He was very impressed with the Town's consistency and rigor in enforcing the zoning <br /> requirements and guidelines. He was surprised with the Town's approval of the grading <br /> exception for the Nashashibi project. His primary concerns with the proposed project <br /> were.the impact on the neighbors' privacy and drainage issues. <br /> Devendra Kumar, Laura Court, immediate neighbor to the project, addressed Council. <br /> He expressed his concerns with the project. They included: the size of the residence; the <br /> appearance of a three story home; the height of the home; the amount of cut required for <br /> the project; the impact the home would have on their privacy; and, the alignment of the <br /> driveway that would make the headlights of cars very visible. He spoke on behalf of his <br /> neighbors (Lytle) that were not able to attend the hearing and hoped the Council would <br /> take into account the concerns they had identified in their correspondence. <br /> ,4pplicant's Representative: <br /> Terry Szewczyk, Applicant's Civil Engineer, addressed the Council. He submitted a set <br /> of documents that included photos; cross sections; and building elevations of previously <br /> approved projects with Grading Policy exceptions that he believed were comparable to <br /> their request. Additionally, Council had before them as an attachment of the staff report <br /> an exhibit that had been submitted by the applicant that outlined Findings for approval of <br /> the Grading Policy Exceptions. <br /> Szewczyk spoke to the concerns that had been expressed by neighbors during the public <br /> • comments. He suggested that the project would address the drainage issues and minimize <br /> run-off from the site. The drainage issues on the Lytle home would be alleviated by a <br /> berm located by their property. Landscaping would be used extensively to mitigate the <br /> privacy concerns of Mr. Kumar. <br /> Mayor Warshawsky noted that the applicant's presentation had indicated that they were <br /> amenable to addressing the drainage concerns that had been voiced by the neighbors. The <br /> outstanding issue was the extensive cut and fill required for the project. The area was <br /> situated in the Quarry and there was a feasibility of some flexibility, however, he was <br /> uncomfortable with setting a precedent for the overall 20' cut. Warshawsky asked if the <br /> applicant had considered any other approach to the design that would minimize the need <br /> for the Grading Exception that had been requested. <br /> Chip Nilsen, project architect, responded that the design had gone through numerous <br /> iterations with the client for approximately 6-8 months before submittal to the Town. <br /> The staff review and Planning Commission review was an additional 8-9 months. The <br /> design had been dictated by the difficult site that included a very steep slope and narrow <br /> lot. The driveway design addressed the fire truck turnaround requirement and was a <br /> resolution that best addressed neighbors' concerns for minimizing the impact of vehicle <br /> traffic and headlights. Additionally, the purpose of the grading was to remove the fill. <br /> Devendra Kumar, neighbor, shared several photos of the story poles for the project that <br /> illustrated what the views of the proposed home would be from his property. <br /> 8 City Council Special Meeting Minutes <br /> February 18,2010 <br />