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10/31/2014 2:48:32 PM
Special Meeting Minutes
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John Vidovich, neighbor, commented that he understood the Council's dilemma given the <br /> presentation that had been made and the request for massive cutting. He offered that the <br /> • lot was exceedingly narrow and steep and cutting was the only solution to make the lot <br /> buildable. Cutting would reduce the height of the proposed home and remove the poor, <br /> unstable soil. <br /> CLOSED PUBLIC HEARING <br /> Council Discussion: <br /> Councilmember Summit commented on the staff s Findings of Denial for the Grading <br /> Policy exceptions for the new residence. She supported their determination and expressed <br /> her concern that the home had a three story fagade and was massive in appearance. <br /> Summit did not believe that the house design was appropriate for the location/lot. <br /> Councilmember Larsen expressed his concern that approval of the application would not <br /> be within the Town's standards and requirements. <br /> Councilmember Mordo concurred with the applicant's assessment that the lot was <br /> challenging. However, he did not agree that the necessity for the cut had been dictated by <br /> a plan to save the trees or the fire truck turnaround but was to accommodate the large <br /> basement, bunker and courtyard. Mordo suggested that a stepped down approach for the <br /> design would be better. He agreed that there should be some flexibility if the request was <br /> reasonable but he did not believe it was warranted for this application. <br /> • Mayor Pro Tem Kerr expressed his concern that approval of the project and grading <br /> exceptions would be facilitating a larger residence with a large carbon footprint than what <br /> should be built on the site. <br /> Mayor Warshawsky stated he appreciated the applicant's efforts to resolve the neighbor's <br /> concerns regarding drainage and screening. The primary concern was with the project's <br /> requirements for excessive cuts. He noted he was willing to be flexible and work towards <br /> a resolution. <br /> Council discussion ensued regarding their options for determination for the project. City <br /> Attorney Steve Mattas advised Council that an alternative approach would be for the City <br /> Council to offer the applicant the option to continue the project and to return with a <br /> project plan that addressed the Council's direction that had been identified during their <br /> discussions for the project to substantially conform to the Town's Grading Policy. He <br /> suggested that the applicant should acknowledge on the record if they were in agreement <br /> to the continuation prior to the Council making its final determination. <br /> Council provided some suggestions to the applicant if they were to concur with the <br /> continuance. They included the inclusion in the project of energy saving features, a <br /> reduction in the three story fagade and a reduction in the cut to substantially meet the <br /> Town's Grading Policy. Mordo noted that if the cut was required for a 3,000 basement, <br /> he most likely could not support approval of the project. <br /> • <br /> 9 City Council Special Meeting Minutes <br /> February 18,2010 <br />
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