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Marilyn McCain, Darling Way, supported keeping the ring. She used the ring with her <br /> children and grandchildren. McCain suggested Council look at the use of new materials <br /> • for the ring that would accommodate multiple uses. <br /> Carol Gottlieb suggested that the Los Altos School District fields be explored for a joint <br /> use with the Town for recreational facilities. <br /> CLOSED PUBLIC COMMENT <br /> Council discussion ensued regarding the proposal. Council agreed, given the public <br /> testimony, to defer a final decision on the request from the Parks and Recreation <br /> Committee to seek proposals for the development of recreational facilities to replace the <br /> Town Riding Ring for ninety days and to revisit the request at that time. Council noted <br /> that this would give the Los Altos Hills Horseman's Association and the Bullis Charter <br /> School an opportunity to forward their proposals for the site. <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Kerr, seconded by Warshawsky and <br /> passed by the following roll call vote to delay decision on agenda item 5.2 Consideration <br /> of Parks and Recreation Committee's Recommendation to Develop Recreation Facilities <br /> at the Town Riding Ring for ninety days. <br /> AYES: Mayor O'Malley, Mayor Pro Tem Kerr, Councilmember Cheng, <br /> Councilmember Fenwick and Councilmember o ilmember Warshaws <br /> k3' <br /> NOES: None <br /> ABSENT: None <br /> ABSTAIN: None <br /> 5.3 Proposed Franchise Agreement between the Town of Los Altos Hills and <br /> Comcast for Cable Services <br /> Mayor O'Malley reordered the agenda to allow participation by the Town's consultant in <br /> the discussion of agenda item 5.3. <br /> City Manager Maureen Cassingham introduced this item to Council. Before Council for <br /> their consideration was the proposed cable system franchise agreement between the Town <br /> of Los Altos Hills and Comcast. Cassingham presented an overview of the negotiation <br /> process that had resulted in the proposed agreement including the engagement of <br /> Telecommunications Management Corporation (TMC) to facilitate the refranchising <br /> process and the numerous negotiating sessions conducted by the Town's negotiating team <br /> consisting of Councilmember Fenwick, City Manager Cassingham and TMC President <br /> Carl Pilnick and Comcast representatives. During this period, the Town has held <br /> community meetings to accommodate public input and Council had adopted a new Cable <br /> Ordinance. <br /> Cassingham explained that the key issues Council had directed be addressed in the <br /> agreement had been resolved and accepted by Comcast. These included 1) cable service <br /> to all homes in the public rights-of-way, 2) grants from Comcast towards the acquisition <br /> • and replacement of cablecast studio equipment - eighty thousand dollars ($80,000) within <br /> 6 City Council Meeting Minutes <br /> November 18,2004 <br />