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Acting City Engineer Dave Ross introduced this item to Council. He explained.that staff <br /> had received quotes from Bay Area Dealerships for the Ford Escape Hybrid. The quote <br /> summary was attached to the staff report before Council. Staff had also advertised the <br /> notice for bids in the newspaper. Ross explained, that at this time, staff recommended <br /> that Council consider moving forward with the purchase of the hybrid replacement car <br /> noting that the Town's existing staff car has extensive deferred maintenance. <br /> Mayor Pro.Tem Kerr commented that the purchase of the hybrid car was an important <br /> element to his Green Energy initiative he would like to engage during his term as Mayor. <br /> Kerr noted that due to the enormous popularity of the hybrid vehicles,.many dealers are <br /> adding.additional costs to the car but the replacement being purchased for fair <br /> market value without any dealer mark-up. He encouraged Council to support the <br /> purchase. <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Kerr, seconded by Warshawsky and <br /> passed unanimously to adopt Resolution No. 70-04 authorizing the purchase of a Ford <br /> Escape'Hybrid. <br /> 6. NEW BUSINESS <br /> 6.1 Presentation of Storm Drainage Master Plan—Nolte Associates <br /> Acting City Engineer Dave Ross introduced this item. He explained that this was the <br /> third document that had been presented to Council during the development of the Storm <br /> Drainage Master Plan report. The draft report before Council included all of the <br /> previously presented information. <br /> Ross introduced Tracie Sakakihara and George Otte, the management team from Nolte <br /> Associates to Council. Nolte Associates.were the consulting firm that had assisted the <br /> Town in the preparation of the Storm Drainage Master Plan. Ross presented a brief <br /> power point presentation that summarized the draft report. The project goals were <br /> twofold: 1) to investigate what it would require to repair and rehabilitate the. Town's <br /> storm water drainage system; and 2) to develop a long range strategic plan. The key <br /> elements in the preparation of the plan included: data collection, field investigations, <br /> problem prioritization, recommendations' for the Capital Improvement Program (CPI) <br /> budget and Stormwater.C.3 requirements. Ross reviewed each element with Council <br /> noting that the Town's Sanitary Sewer Master Plan had been prepared with the same <br /> mapping system so that the two can be layered together for a GIS database system.. He <br /> explained that the recommendations for the CPI included twenty-eight (28). drainage <br /> projects at an estimated cost of$1.925 million or $200,000 per year over ten (10) years. <br /> He added that the projection for repairs was substantially lower than many similar <br /> communities. Ross acknowledged that staff would return to Council for approval of all <br /> proj ects. <br /> Ross briefly described the Stormwater C.3 requirement. This is a regional requirement <br /> that had been implemented by the Town's Planning and Engineering staff as a <br /> requirement for property site development. The requirement calls for a retention system <br /> to retain/detain peak water flow on development that includes impervious coverage. <br /> 5 City Council Meeting Minutes <br /> October 21,2004 <br />