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Council briefly discussed the report and findings <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Fenwick, seconded by Cheng and <br /> passed unanimously to approve Resolution No. 71-04 adopting the Town of Los Altos <br /> Hills Storm Drainage Master Plan. <br /> 7. REPORTS FROM COMMITTEES, SUB-COMMITTEES,AND <br /> COUNCILMEMBERS ON OUTSIDE AGENCIES <br /> Councilmember Fenwick reported on the recent meeting with Comcast for the purpose of <br /> negotiating the franchise agreement. Fenwick, City Manager Cassingham and Carl <br /> Pilnick, TMC, telecommunications consultant, represented the Town in the discussions. <br /> Their meeting focused on the issues of 1) the term of the franchise. agreement; 2) <br /> universal service; 3) funds for television system/equipment for the new Town Hall; and 4) <br /> the provision of an educational and government access channel. Fenwick explained that <br /> he was not optimistic after the discussions. <br /> City Manager Cassingham explained that a response letter to Comcast's terms was being <br /> prepared and would be communicated to them next week. <br /> Mayor Pro Tem Kerr commented that he was aware that several surrounding communities <br /> have been in negotiations with Comcast for several years. He asked if there would be any <br /> advantage to joining forces with other cities to negotiate the agreement. <br /> iFenwick explained that the Town was depending on the consultant to assist with the <br /> process. Cassingham added that she would explore the issue with Mr. Pilnick to see if <br /> there was any value in cities negotiating together but added that the franchise terms for <br /> each city would be different and each municipality would be negotiating for the most <br /> beneficial terms for their constituents. She explained that the Federal Communications <br /> Act of 1996 limits the Town in their negotiating efforts. <br /> Mayor O'Malley asked for direction from the Acting City Attorney John Bakker on the <br /> appropriateness of a Closed Session to discuss the negotiations. Bakker agreed to explore <br /> the option. Consultant, Carl Pilnick would be included in the closed session discussions. <br /> Councilmember Cheng reported that she had attended a Parks and Recreation Committee <br /> meeting. Several holiday events have been scheduled and the planning for summer <br /> programs was under way. <br /> 7.1 Discussion of Council Position Re: Reopening of Bullis Purissima School as <br /> Public/Los School District School by Council Subcommittee (Cheng and <br /> Warshawsky) <br /> Councilmember Warshawsky explained that he had requested this item be agendized to <br /> garner Council input on several questions that had arisen since the . Council <br /> Subcommittee's last report on the issue. He noted that the Los Altos School District <br /> Board members that had met with the Council Subcommittee consisting of himself and <br /> 6 City Council Meeting Minutes <br /> October 21,2004 <br />