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Councilmember Cheng, had requested a meeting in November at the conclusion of their <br /> last meeting. He suggested that Council consider directing the City Manager to send a <br /> letter, on Council's behalf, to the District that expressed the Council's decision that they <br /> did not wish to meet until the District had a plan formalized to return public education to <br /> the Town. The second issue that he wished to discuss was a request from Roger Burnell, <br /> Public Education Committee Chair, that Warshawsky ask the District for supporting <br /> documentation for their statement that if they leased the Bullis site to the Bullis Charter <br /> School they would lose the site. <br /> Council discussion ensued regarding meeting options. Mayor O'Malley suggested that it <br /> would be appropriate to inform the District that any future meeting should not be <br /> scheduled until the new Council is seated. Mayor Pro Tem Kerr suggested an open joint <br /> meeting of the Los Altos School District Board and the City Council. <br /> PASSED BY CONSENSUS: To direct the City Manager to draft a letter on behalf of the <br /> Mayor requesting consideration of a joint meeting of the Los Altos School District Board <br /> of Trustees and the City Council after the new Council is seated in December. The <br /> purpose of the meeting would be to discuss the reopening of Bullis-Purissima Elementary <br /> School as a public school. The location of the meeting would be Bullis School. <br /> Council discussed the request from Roger Burnell for further supporting information <br /> from the District regarding their comments on the lease to the Charter School. <br /> Councilmember Fenwick expressed his belief that it would be more appropriate for the <br /> Charter School to seek the information. Council agreed to wait for the joint meeting for <br /> any further discussions regarding the request. <br /> OPENED PUBLIC COMMENT <br /> Chris Vargas, Templeton Place, suggested that Council should take the initiative to define <br /> what public education is and lead the discussions rather than wait for action from the <br /> District. <br /> Tamara Logan, Los Altos resident, explained that the Bullis Charter School *had <br /> threatened the Los Altos School District with multiple lawsuits which is probably their <br /> reasoning behind their hesitancy to lease'to the BCS. <br /> David Coff, Los Altos resident, offered Council 'his suggestions for opening a <br /> neighborhood school in Los Altos Hills. He spoke to the difficulties of redistricting and <br /> the Los Altos School District's unchangeable position regarding negotiating with the <br /> Charter School. He believed this was due to BCS's numerous threats and challenges. <br /> Coff asked Council to listen to the School District's proposal to reopen Bullis as a small <br /> neighborhood school. He added that without Council's support and leadership, the School <br /> could not succeed. He urged the Council to keep their options open. <br /> CLOSED PUBLIC COMMENT <br /> 8. STAFF REPORTS <br /> 7 City Council Meeting Minutes <br /> October 21,2004 <br />