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Regular Meeting Minutes
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was told that it would require a public hearing before the Planning Commission and <br /> possibly the City Council to receive approval to remove the tree. <br /> On August 31, 2004, the Sheriff alerted the Town that a large oak tree had been removed <br /> from the site. Garcia showed slides of the large tree with an eighty (80) foot diameter <br /> drip line and multi-stemmed trunk five feet in diameter.- He had before and after pictures <br /> of the tree/stump. Garcia noted that no permit had been issued by the Town to remove <br /> the tree. <br /> Garcia reviewed the staff recommendations for conditions upon future site development <br /> on Lot 4. They included: that the property owner or successive property owners must <br /> install and maintain two (2) 84" box Coast Live Oaks, a minimum of 21-feet tall, in the <br /> same location of the unlawfully removed heritage oak. The trees must be installed prior <br /> to the Town's acceptance or review of any plans or site development permit application. <br /> In addition to the trees, the property owner would be required to submit a landscape <br /> maintenance deposit in the amount of$34,000. The deposit would be held by the Town <br /> for two years after the installation of the trees and only released if the trees were viable. <br /> Planning Director Cahill explained that if Council approved the conditions, the Town <br /> would record them on the property and they would be transferable to any future owner. <br /> He noted that he had not seen any plan for the site that showed that the heritage oak tree <br /> would have impeded development. <br /> OPENED PUBLIC HEARING <br /> • Council discussed the location of the replacement trees. Councilmember Cheng <br /> commented that if the applicant were permitted to plant the trees on the site in a location <br /> that was favorable to them, they would take better care of the trees, otherwise the trees <br /> could die and be removed legally. Councilmember Fenwick agreed that he would be <br /> inclined to place the replacement trees in a reasonable location. <br /> CLOSED PUBLIC HEARING <br /> REOPENED PUBLIC HEARING TO PERMIT PUBLIC TESTIMONY <br /> Jill Jensen, Purissima Road, expressed her concern that this could set a precedent that <br /> would allow people to remove trees and just replace them in another more favorable <br /> place. <br /> Chris Vargas, Templeton Place, voiced his support for the conditions as presented. He <br /> believed they were a reasonable set of consequences that were tough but flexible. He <br /> would not leave the location of the replacement trees to the property owner but to the <br /> discretion of the Planning Director. <br /> Ky Nyborg, property owner's representative, addressed Council. He explained that the <br /> tree that had been removed was in terrible condition. The tree company's arborist, while <br /> pruning the tree, contacted the property owner and conferred that the tree had a large hole <br /> • in it and reported that it would not survive. Based on that report, the tree was removed. <br /> 9 City Council Meeting Minutes <br /> October 21,2004 <br />
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