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Cathy Evans, Public Education Committee member, suggested that the Council consider <br /> agendizing the issue of a Los Altos Hills children's library. She explained that if the <br /> • Charter School is based in Los Altos Hills, this may be an option for a library that could <br /> be supported by volunteers. Evans also asked that Council consider the appointment of <br /> Kathleen Justice-Moore to the Public Education Committee. Evans also suggested several <br /> ways to notice residents of the proposed Special Meeting including a volunteer telephone <br /> network and Hills 2000 mailing list. <br /> Kathleen Justice-Moore, Jabil Lane, introduced herself to Council and explained she was <br /> the applicant that had withdrawn her application to the Public Education Committee <br /> earlier because of a scheduling conflict. This issue has been resolved and she is <br /> resubmitting her application for Council consideration. Justice-Moore offered to help <br /> notice residents in the southern section of Los Altos Hills of the proposed Special <br /> meeting. <br /> Sandy Humphries, Fremont Road, explained that as a member of the Adobe Watershed <br /> Collaborative it has come to her attention that there is a possibility that grant funds might <br /> be available to solve the drainage problems at the Bullis School fields and this could <br /> possibly be used as leverage in any negotiations for the school site. <br /> Allan Epstein, Ravensbury Avenue, expressed his concern that the proposed redistricting <br /> resolution might preempt in some way the rights of residents who are happy with their <br /> school district and education. Residents in the southern part of Los Altos Hills consider <br /> the Loyola School their"neighborhood school". <br /> • CLOSED PRESENTATIONS FROM THE FLOOR <br /> Council discussed the request from the Public Education Committee Chair for a Special <br /> Meeting to consider the proposed school district reorganization resolution. Council <br /> expressed their concern that there was not enough time to notice all interested residents of <br /> the Special Meeting and that they were being asked to consider reorganization of the <br /> school boundaries when their ultimate goal was to save the Bullis School site for public <br /> education. It was noted that the Los Altos School District had declined to schedule a <br /> meeting with Mayor Cheng and Councilmember Kerr to discuss the option of the Charter <br /> School leasing the Bullis site until after the District's scheduled meeting of May 17f. <br /> Councilmember Kerr explained that the proposed resolution would have no impact on <br /> students in the Loyola School boundary. The resolution is a means to alert anyone <br /> interested in leasing the site long term of a potential redistricting that would affect the <br /> property. He hoped Council would consider listening to the proposal by the Committee. <br /> Steve Mattas, explained that Council would have the benefit of a staff report explaining <br /> the framework of the process and the draft resolution if they moved forward with the <br /> Special Meeting. Council could take input from the public and then take whatever action <br /> they believed was appropriate. He explained that the proposed resolution, if adopted, <br /> would initiate the process of reorganization. Mattas explained that there are three <br /> methods of commencing this process: 1) Town Council action; 2) School District action; <br /> • and 3) 25% of the voters within the defined area. Once the process is initiated, it is <br /> 8 City Council Meeting Minutes <br /> May 6,2004 <br />