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for their work in gathering all of the facts and data on the options. O'Malley offered that <br /> assisting the Charter School would bring public education back to the Town and would <br /> not preclude the Town from forming a District in the future. At this time he would <br /> support assisting the Charter School. <br /> Councilmember Warshawsky explained that he had been a strong supporter of Measure <br /> H. It has been a tough blow for the Town to lose a school. He believes that the Council <br /> has been very empathic to the issue but is concerned that the interests of all residents, <br /> including those served by the Palo Alto Unified School District be addressed. <br /> Warshawsky believes more public input is required to move in the direction of forming a <br /> new district. He would prefer to focus on assisting the Charter School as a solution to <br /> returning public education to the Town. <br /> Mayor Cheng explained that Council strongly supports public education. She believes <br /> that the most positive direction would be for Council to support the Charter School's <br /> efforts to lease the Bullis site. Mayor Cheng offered to assist the school with their lease <br /> negotiations with the Los Altos School District. She noted that if the Council wishes to <br /> pursue the redistricting option, she suggests that it be put to the citizens as an advisory <br /> measure on the November ballot. This would be an excellent tool to gauge the interests <br /> of the voting public. <br /> Councilmember Kerr volunteered to join Mayor Cheng with the negotiations for the <br /> Bullis site on behalf of the Charter School. <br /> • Following discussion, Council consensus was to assist the Bullis Charter School in <br /> negotiating their lease. If these efforts should fail, to review alternative sites in Town for <br /> the school and to investigate the option of forming a new school district. <br /> Debra Vallner, Public Education Committee member, tendered her resignation from the <br /> Committee to the Council. She expressed her distress that the Southern part of the Town <br /> had not been fairly represented. Vallner supports keeping Bullis School as a public <br /> school but she had joined the Committee to look at education for all of Los Altos Hills <br /> not just the Charter School. Given Council's actions this evening to support the Charter <br /> School she is resigning from the Committee. <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by O'Malley, seconded by Kerr and <br /> passed by the following roll call vote to grant the Public Education Committee's request <br /> for a not-to exceed amount of$7,500 and to authorize the Committee to hire an education <br /> consultant to assist them in assessing the validity of the options for public education in <br /> Los Altos Hills and to provide technical assistance in preparing the 9 criteria required for <br /> forming a district. <br /> AYES: Mayor Cheng, Mayor Pro Tem O'Malley, Councilmember Fenwick, <br /> Councilmember Kerr and Councilmember Warshawsky <br /> NOES: None <br /> ABSENT: None <br /> ABSTAIN: None <br /> • <br /> 10 City Council Meeting Minutes <br /> April 15,2004 <br />