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3) Review of the Newsletter by a two (2) member subcommittee of the <br /> Council as specified in the 1986 Newsletter Policy <br /> Duffy Price, Editor of Newsletter, commented that she appreciates the review of the <br /> Newsletter policy. She explained that the Community Relations Committee strives to <br /> deliver, open and honest communication to the residents. The philosophy of the <br /> Committee is based on three key elements: they strive to be fair, balanced and a voice for <br /> all members of the community. Price noted that they are very democratic in their <br /> outreach for articles. The majority of the articles seek to unite the community in a <br /> common goal, lift our spirits and raise the awareness of the community by reporting on <br /> individual and organizational achievements. The Committee is committed to cover all <br /> aspects of the community. It is the hope of the Committee that the Council will endorse <br /> this general philosophy of the Committee. <br /> Roger Burnell, Community Relations Committee Member,provided a historical summary <br /> of the Newsletter. He explained that it was a volunteer/grassroots newsletter in its <br /> earliest stage. Draft articles were reviewed by two Councilmembers and eventually the <br /> City Attorney joined the review process. It was not a political vehicle. Burnell expressed <br /> his opinion that the Newsletter is not a"City Hall"publication but a volunteer newsletter <br /> that is communication from residents to residents. <br /> CLOSED PUBLIC COMMENT <br /> Councilmember Fenwick disagreed and explained that the Newsletter is perceived as the <br /> position of the Town Government. It is sent out to the Community from the Town at the <br /> Town's expense. <br /> Council discussed the review process for the Newsletter. <br /> City Attorney Mattas advised the Editor on the proper distribution to Council for the <br /> review of articles. A subcommittee of two Councilmembers or the review by the Council <br /> Liaison to the Newsletter would be appropriate and meet the requirements of the Brown <br /> Act. Articles can be sent to all of Council for informational purposes but if there is a <br /> controversial article that requires comment of all Councilmembers, it should be brought <br /> to the Council as a whole at a Council meeting. <br /> Mattas clarified that the Newsletter is a governmental publication. The Newsletter is paid <br /> for by the Town of Los Altos Hills and as such is governed by State Law. It would be a <br /> violation of State Law to publish any articles that would take a political position. Mattas <br /> explained that it would be best to clarify the definition of Town-little "t" or big"T". <br /> Council directed the City Attorney to draft a revised Newsletter Policy and return it to <br /> Council for consideration on the consent calendar at their next meeting. <br /> 10. PRESENTATIONS FROM THE FLOOR <br /> Ernest Solomon, Director Purissima Hills Water District, noted that the Board is looking <br /> forward to Council's response to the District's letter regarding their lease. <br /> 10 City Council Meeting Minutes <br /> January 15,2004 <br />