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7. Notification of Fast Track Approval: Lands of Lee, 27751 Lupine Road; File #45- <br /> 10-ZP-SD-GD; A request for a Site Development Permit for a 6,266 square foot <br /> • new residence (Maximum Height 24') CEQA Review: Categorical Exemption per <br /> Section 15303 <br /> PRESENTATIONS FROM THE FLOOR <br /> Peter Evans, resident, Environmental Initiatives Committee Chair, reported that the <br /> Committee had discussed Proposition 16 which would require two-thirds vote for the <br /> establishment of a Town electricity service or a community choice aggregation program. <br /> The Committee was not taking a position on Community Choice Aggregation or <br /> Proposition 16 but was advising the Council that, relative to the Town's AB 32 goals, <br /> passage would make achieveing those goals difficult. <br /> Maryann Malcolm, resident, History Committee Chair, advised that the Committee <br /> requested four items on the agenda and only one item had been scheduled for Council <br /> consideration. She requested clarification on the remaining items. <br /> City Clerk Jost responded that the additional items were not ready for Council review. <br /> The Committee had requested use of the Town's Emergency Operations Center (EOC) as <br /> a History museum. This would require review by the Standing Emergency <br /> Communications Committee and staff before moving forward. The second request, <br /> review of a potential link of the DeAnza Trail, should be reviewed by the Pathways <br /> Committee before any further consideration by the History Committee. With regard to <br /> • the Committee's request to the City Council for signage on the paths that had been <br /> previously approved by the City Council honoring Town residents (Wallace Stegner, <br /> Lucile and David Packard, and the Countess Margit Bessenyey), the signs were being <br /> addressed internally. The path signs were being constructed by staff and would be <br /> installed in the near future. <br /> Mayor Kerr advised that the designation of a DeAnza Trail had been reviewed in the past <br /> and rejected by the Council. Concern of additional traffic in Town had been one of the <br /> factors for not moving forward with the trail. <br /> Les Earnest, resident, History Committee member, clarified that the correct name for the <br /> trail was "Anna"trail. He referred to a letter that was available to the City Council on the <br /> dais that addressed two issues: the historical markers to be considered by the Council at <br /> Edith Park and a recommendation to consider designating a recreation route (Anna Trail) <br /> through the Town. <br /> Kathy Evans, Co-Chair, Community Relations Committee, reviewed the residents' only <br /> policy for the upcoming Town picnic with the City Council. <br /> PUBLIC HEARINGS <br /> No Items Scheduled. <br /> 4 Approved City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> May 20,2010 <br />