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i <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: moved by Kerr, seconded by O'Malley and <br /> • passed unanimously by the Council to authorize the Mayor to sign a letter on behalf of <br /> the Town to the Valley Transportation Authority from the North Peninsula Cities. <br /> 3. NEW BUSINESS <br /> 3.1 Consideration of a Policy for Engagement of Consultants by New Town Hall <br /> Sub-Committees <br /> Councilmember Kerr explained that during the design phase of the Town Hall project, <br /> several Town Hall Subcommittees had engaged consultants and the question has arisen <br /> whether or not the consultants could later bid on the project. Kerr has requested an <br /> opinion from City Attorney Steve Mattas. <br /> Mattas explained that in order to limit the participation of the consultant in the bid <br /> process, it would be necessary to specify that limitation as the Council's policy in the <br /> agreement/contract for the consultant's services during the design phase; otherwise the <br /> consultant is permitted to bid. It is important that the work that the consultants do be <br /> generic in nature and the design be appropriate for all bidders. The consulant's work <br /> should not limit others from participating in the bid process. <br /> 4. UNFINISHED BUSINESS <br /> 4.1 Project Status Report and Design Update—Peter Duxbury, Duxbm Architects <br /> • Proposed changes to Council Chamber Design to Accommodate Audio <br /> Visual Production <br /> Peter Duxbury reported that after reviewing comments from the A-V consultant and the <br /> Subcommittee, he has made several changes to the Council Chamber design. The most <br /> notable change is to the window grouping behind the dais. Duxbury explained that he <br /> has changed the feature to 2 smaller windows to accommodate a larger video screen. He <br /> is very pleased with the adaptations and believes that architecturally it has more <br /> appealing proportions. <br /> Al Whaley, commented that Peter has been very flexible and open to the Subcommittees <br /> requests. They are also requesting the addition of curtains or fabric wrapped baffled <br /> fronts to soften the acoustics of the room. <br /> After a brief discussion, the Committee by consensus, approved the Council Chamber <br /> design modifications and the use of fabric wrapped panels for the acoustical requirement. <br /> They agreed to have design consultant Pam Penington review the fabric panels. <br /> Al Whaley reported that he had been working closely with the audio-visual consultant to <br /> identify the AV system component list and specifications. The drawings are progressing <br /> but aren't ready to have the AV detail added. He explained that the system is being <br /> • designed to be easily adapted from the minimal requirements of the budget to an <br /> upgraded and expanded system. Whaley explained that the lighting system as originally <br /> 2 <br /> Special City Council and Planning Commission Meeting <br /> March 9,2004 <br />