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Tony Mirenda, TBI, recommended that the Town seek a second opinion on the <br /> recommendations of the present soils engineer for the foundation requirements. The <br /> iCommittee directed TBI to seek such an opinion. <br /> PASSED BY CONSENSUS: To direct Councilmember Kerr to sign the contract with <br /> the soils engineer if the outstanding issues are resolved. <br /> 3.3 Discussion of Staff Tasks and Responsibilities with the New Town Hall <br /> Process <br /> Item continued to a future meeting. <br /> 4. UNFINISHED BUSINESS <br /> 4.1 Discussion of Budget/Construction Update—TBI Consultants <br /> Tony Mirenda, President, TBI, distributed an updated budget analysis for the Town Hall <br /> project. It included cost comparisons to the Goldman estimated costs and the earlier <br /> budget information (October 10, 2003) that had been developed by TBI. Mirenda <br /> explained that the scope of the project has increased but projected costs have gone down. <br /> Mirenda reviewed the handout with the Committee. He noted that the contingency <br /> amount has been adjusted from 10% to 7.5% due to the project plans nearing completion. <br /> The project is "on budget" including the addition of limited landscaping, off site work <br /> along Fremont Road, and additional hardscape. <br /> • Discussion of the Town Hall Progress Budget dated 02/10/04 ensued. At its conclusion, <br /> the Committee requested a reconciliation of the budget numbers as presented. Mirenda <br /> will provide the Committee with the requested information at their next scheduled <br /> meeting. <br /> 4.2 Project Status Report and Design Update—Peter Duxbury, DuxbM Architects <br /> Peter Duxbury gave a brief presentation on the interior materials that will be used for the <br /> project. He provided samples for the Committee to review. Duxbury explained that the <br /> palette and materials are simple, cost effective and very utilitarian. He is investigating <br /> the possibility of recycling some of the existing redwood into the new Council Chambers. <br /> Duxbury noted that 10 sun tunnels have been added along the perimeter of the building, <br /> work room and restrooms as part of the green energy program. <br /> 5. REPORTS FROM SUBCOMMITTEES <br /> 5.1 Consideration of Construction Management Firm—Mayor Pro Tem O'Malley <br /> Councilmember Warshawsky, Jim Downey <br /> Jim Downey reported that his Subcommittee had met with representatives from <br /> Swinerton Consulting and Toeniskoetter & Breeding (TBI) and studied their respective <br /> proposals for construction management services. Downey reviewed the proposals with <br /> the Committee. It was his opinion that there were unknown costs associated with the <br /> 3 <br /> Special City Council/Planning Commission Meeting Minutes <br /> February 10,2004 <br />