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Mayor Pro Tem O'Malley acknowledged that the Council will have to adopt the <br /> extension to be able to even consider negotiating the list of requirements proposed by <br /> Abraham. <br /> • City Manager Cassingham encouraged the Council to support g pp the extension to permit the <br /> Town to continue the renegotiation of the franchise agreement. She will take the <br /> information from Mr. Abraham that has been discussed this evening and work with the <br /> Ci Engineer and Comcast to address City g ss these concerns. <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by O'Malley, seconded by <br /> Warshawsky and passed unanimously to approve the proposed extension of the current <br /> cable franchise extension between the Town of Los Altos Hills and Comcast to June 20, <br /> 2004. <br /> 4.9 Approval of a Conservation Easement Agreement with Exceptions to Allow <br /> for Any Structure or Use, Which Would Not Otherwise Violate the Provisions <br /> of the Zoning Law of the Town, in Certain Areas of the Existing Conservation <br /> Easement; Lands of Kerns, 11888 Francemont Drive (Upper Parcel) <br /> Councilmember Fenwick noted that the agenda language did not correspond with the staff <br /> report title. City Attorney Mattas explained that the Conservation Easement Agreement <br /> had been modified to address all concerns and issues that had been identified by the <br /> Council during the Public Hearing at their last meeting. The documents have been fully <br /> executed and will be recorded by the City Clerk tomorrow if approved by Council this <br /> evening. <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Fenwick, seconded by Kerr and <br /> passed unanimously to approve the Conservation Easement Agreements for 11888 <br /> Francemont Drive and 11885 Francemont Drive attached to the staff reports before <br /> Council. Reso#95-03 and Reso #96-03 <br /> 4.10 Approval of Amendment#1 to the Purissima Sewer Lift Station Agreement <br /> Duffy Price, Anacapa Drive, explained that she had requested that this item be removed <br /> from the Consent Calendar for the purposes of discussion by Council due to the impact <br /> on her property. The sewer project has a raised manhole in close proximity to her <br /> residence, and they have been bothered by the smell of gasses leaking from the area. The <br /> City Engineer has attempted to address the problem by sealing the manhole, but this has <br /> not resolved the issue. Price is concerned that adding additional users to the facility will <br /> increase the problem. <br /> John Harpotlian, Anacapa Drive, stated that he has spoken with Bruce Askari, the <br /> developer of the Purissima Sewer project. Askari had voiced his opinion that the problem <br /> is due to the lack of maintenance by the Town. The station should be regularly cleaned <br /> and cleared or it does not vent properly. Harpootlian hoped that Council would consider <br /> reviewing this project before approving the list of additional users. <br /> • <br /> 5 City Council Meeting Minutes <br /> December 4,2003 <br />