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what level of reserves is kept, i.e. one year's operating budget. The Committee will <br /> report their findings to the Council in January or early February 2004. <br /> OPENED PUBLIC HEARING <br /> CLOSED PUBLIC HEARING <br /> Mayor Pro Tem -O'Malley explained that the New Town Hall project budget is <br /> $3,764,924. <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Kerr, seconded by Fenwick and <br /> passed unanimously to approve the New Town Hall budget of $3,764,924. and to <br /> determine the financing vehicle for the project at a later date. <br /> 11.3 Request for a Conservation Easement Agreement with exceptions to allow <br /> for any structure or use, which would not otherwise violate the provisions of <br /> the Zoning Law of the Town, in certain areas of the existing Conservation <br /> Easement; Lands of Kerns, 11888 Francemont Drive (Upper Parcel) <br /> (File#130-03-ZP-SD) (Continued 11-06-03) <br /> Planning Director Carl Cahill introduced this item to Council. He proceeded with a <br /> power point presentation for background information. The property parcel that is being <br /> considered was originally owned by Stephen Gaither. As part of the subdivision in 1989, <br /> 12 acres were conveyed to the Town in a conservation easement on 11888 Francemont <br /> • Drive. Future development of the property was limited to the lower portion of the <br /> property and an approximate 1.68 acre site on the ridge top. In August, 2000, after <br /> considerable public debate, the City Council granted the applicants' (Lands of Kerns) <br /> request for a Site Development permit to construct a new residence on the upper site of <br /> the 21 acre property and an exception to allow a driveway to encroach within the <br /> conservation easement. In November, 2002, the City Council repealed a previous <br /> Council condition that prohibited further subdivision of the .property and granted the <br /> applicants' (Kerns) request to subdivide their property into two parcels subject to <br /> implementing certain conditions and environmental mitigation measures including a <br /> requirement that the applicants were to convey a 28,000 square foot conservation <br /> easement to the Town on the lower 7.55 gross acre parcel. The land within this easement <br /> contains an average slope in excess of 55%, heavy tree coverage and areas of geological <br /> instability. <br /> Cahill reviewed the State Subdivision Map Act Section 66474 and pertinent Town <br /> General Plan sections with the Council. <br /> Cahill noted that in July, 2003 the applicants submitted an application request to vacate a <br /> 19,300 square foot portion of conservation easement west of the new residence and an <br /> 8,700 square foot portion along the driveway. Contrary to the applicants claim that their <br /> conveyance of the conservation easement for the subdivision obligates the Town to vacate <br /> the upper backyard area easement and a portion of the easement, the Town is not <br /> obligated. Cahill added that at no time has staff indicated that the conservation easement <br /> on the upper property could be successfully vacated at a later date. Upon receipt of the <br /> 13 City Council Meeting Minutes <br /> November 20,2003 <br />