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City Council Minutes
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2/25/2015 4:09:27 PM
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2/25/2015 3:30:31 PM
Regular Meeting Minutes
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reimbursement agreements are solely for the benefit of the installers and the Town is <br /> under no obligation to enter into such an agreement. <br /> OPENED PUBLIC HEARING <br /> Hal Feeney,11030 Mora Drive, expressed his appreciation for all the help the group has <br /> received over the course of the last 4.5 years that it has taken to bring the project to it's <br /> conclusion. He agreed with City Attorney Mattas that from a reimbursable perspective <br /> the agreement favors the installers, however, the group finds issue with the liability <br /> exposure. At the direction of their Counsel, they are requesting that staff work with their <br /> attorney to resolve some language changes ("tightening of the language similar to the <br /> Ordinance")to limit liability to all parties. <br /> Mayor Pro Tem O'Malley summarized the requests of the "Installers" noting that they <br /> were asking for: 1) for an amendment to the hold harmless provisions, and 2) requesting <br /> that the Installers be notified prior to the Town's entering into litigation with a user for <br /> nonpayment and given the right to veto such action because the Installers are liable for all <br /> legal costs. O'Malley noted that the second request seemed reasonable but that the Town <br /> would have issue with any additional changes to the standard sewer reimbursement <br /> agreement. <br /> Feeney concurred with O'Malley on item 2, explaining that it was a simple <br /> business/economic decision. The Installers did not want to take legal action when the <br /> costs incurred could be more than the amount realized. <br /> Enrique Klein, Mora Drive Sewer Project Group, thanked the Town for being so co- <br /> operative and helpful during this lengthy process. He reiterated the request for the <br /> language of the agreement to be "tightened equal to the ordinance". <br /> Chuck Bodine, 11055 Mora Drive, explained that the Installers are concerned that the <br /> present sewer agreement has a weakening of the language defining what the City would <br /> do to collect reimbursement. They are concerned that this would impact future users and <br /> potentially cause them not to pay the fees. <br /> City Attorney Mattas explained that the wording of the ordinance anticipates that there <br /> will be a discussion and he would advise the Council not to undertake a mandatory <br /> obligation that could be a burden on the Council or future Councils. He added that any <br /> further proposed discussion with the group's attorney would not change this position. <br /> CLOSED PUBLIC HEARING <br /> Mattas clarified that what Council may want to consider for approval would be the staff <br /> recommended agreement with the minor typographical correction in Section 8b, <br /> "criminal" should read "take appropriate enforcement action" and Section 8a would be <br /> modified to read as follows: <br /> In the event of a dispute between any Future User and the Town with respect to the <br /> payment of the Usage Fee, the Town shall notify the Distribution Agents and may, <br /> 6 City Council Meeting Minutes <br /> November 20,2003 <br />
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