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RESOLUTION NO. 50-24 <br />RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE 2023 SANTA CLARA COUNTY MULTI - <br />JURISDICTIONAL LOCAL HAZARD MITIGATION PLAN <br />WHEREAS, the Town of Los Altos Hills is subject to various earthquake -related hazards such as <br />ground shaking, liquefaction, landslides, and fault surface rupture; and <br />WHEREAS, Town of Los Altos Hills is subject to various weather-related hazards including <br />wildfires, floods, and landslides; and <br />WHEREAS, the Town of Los Altos Hills recognizes that disasters do not recognize city, county, or <br />special district boundaries; and <br />WHEREAS, the Town of Los Altos Hills seeks to maintain and enhance a disaster -resilient region by <br />reducing the potential loss of life, property damage, and environmental degradation from natural <br />disasters, while accelerating economic recovery from those disasters; and <br />WHEREAS, the Town of Los Altos Hills is committed to increasing the disaster resilience of the <br />infrastructure, health, housing, economy, government services, education, environment, and land <br />use systems in the Santa Clara County as a whole; and <br />WHEREAS, the federal Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000 requires all cities, counties, and special <br />districts to have adopted a Local Hazard Mitigation Plan to receive disaster mitigation funding from <br />FEMA; and <br />WHEREAS, in June 2022, the Santa Clara County Emergency Operational Area Council initiated a <br />hazard mitigation planning process that was guided by a 19 -member coalition of partner agencies, <br />including Santa Clara County, 15 city and town governments, the Santa Clara County Fire District, <br />Valley Water, and the Valley Transportation Authority; and <br />WHEREAS, the result of this effort is a two -volume Santa Clara County Multi -Jurisdiction Hazard <br />Mitigation Plan ("SCC MJHMP"), a multi -hazard mitigation plan; and <br />WHEREAS, upon adoption of the SCC MJHMP Volume I and Town of Los Altos Hills Annex <br />within Volume II and the subsequent approval of said plan by FEMA and Cal OES, Town of Los <br />Altos Hills will be eligible to apply for and potentially receive specified grants; <br />NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED the City Council does hereby adopt the Santa Clara <br />County Multijurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan (HMP), which includes Volume 1 Base Plan and <br />Volume 2 as the Town of Los Altos Hills local Hazard Mitigation plan, and delegate authority to the <br />City Manager, or their Designee, to accept amendments thereto. <br />Page 1 of 2 <br />RESOLUTION 50-24 <br />